Chapter Twenty

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"How can we trust you Crowley?" demands the demon Dinah, crossing her arms. "I mean, you were wrong about the two brats how do we know you're not wrong on this too?"

Most demons wouldn't dare challenge the King of Hell's authority - but Dinah isn't most demons.

"Well for the record Dinah," says Crowley, leaning back in his chair, "I wasn't, and still am not, wrong about the two brats. Perhaps you haven't pushed them hard enough. Their powers could be buried deep down considering they've been raised as humans."

Dinah scowls. "I'm sick of their smart mouths. Despite all the torturing, they still manage to slip out a sarcastic remark. Especially the boy."

"Then deal with it," Crowley says sharply, leaning forward. "I am positive on this one however."

Crowley stands up.

"There is something different about Zayana Winchester."

Crowley tosses the vial to Dinah.

"Send Reed and Adon to me. They're the ones I trust to carry this out."

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It's been hours since we ran into Crowley and Dean and Sam are still on edge. After Crowley had disappeared, both brothers decided it wouldn't be a good idea to go back to the bunker yet. Just in case Crowley or his demons are following us. So, now we're here at a run down, dirty, smelly motel room with three very uncomfortable beds.

"You guys used to live in these places?" I say, disgusted. "Thank goodness you found the bunker."

Dean sighes and nods as he slips his jacket off and slowly pulls his t shirt up and over his head.

"You get used to it after a while," says Sam, taking the bed furthest away from Dean.

"Great," I mutter. "Right well, I'm gonna step outside and breathe some fresh air. This room smells like a dead body." With that said, I slip my phone into my pocket and walk outside, slamming the door behind me.

I let out a breath I'd been holding and lean against the porch.

"I hope they don't fight like this all the time," I mumble, talking to myself.

Just as I turn to walk back inside, a hand clamps around my mouth and jerks me backwards!

"Now don't struggle babe," a voice whispers in my, sending a chill down my spine.

"It'll just make it worse."

I bite down hard on his hand until I taste blood.

The guy stumbles back, seething as he holds his hands and I see that he is actually very attractive - but I don't let that distract me.

"Sorry," I sneer. "I'm not one to follow directions."

"Reed!" hisses the demon, grunting

I hear a twig snap behind me and whip around, only to be met by a white cloth being pressed against my mouth.

I try to scream but no sounds comes out as everything goes blurry and starts spinning.

And then everything is dark.

* * *

I open my eyes slowly only to be met with blurry vision and dim light. I let out a groan as I lift my aching head up.

Where am I? I wonder, breathing in deeply.

I try to move, only to realize that ropes bind my hands behind my back and my feet to the chair legs.

"Great," I mutter, struggling against the ropes.

"Good luck getting out of those binds Darling," says a rough voice. Dread settles in my stomach as I recognize the voice.

The King of Hell.

"You!" I spit out, disgusted. "What are you doing?"

"Simply trying to get information Mouse," Crowley says, shrugging slightly.

"You little-What? Mouse?" I say confused. "What the hell does that mean?!"

Crowley chuckles.

"Reed!" I hear him yell.

The door to this room opens and in walks the guy – who I'm assuming is a demon – who kidnapped me.

I stare at him angrily. "What am I doing here?!" I demand. "Why have you kidnapped me?"

"She's all yours Reed, oh and," Crowley grabs Reed's arm, "remember what we discussed."

Reed nods. "Yes Sir."

The door shuts behind Crowley, leaving me, tied to a chair with a demon standing two feet away from me, leaning against the wall.

Neither of us says anything so it is silent for a few minutes. Then:

"Hey," Reed says, jutting his chin out at me.

"What?" I snap, looking him straight in the eyes.

"No need to be nasty," he says, smirking. "If anything, I should be the one being rude . . . you did bite me after all-and hard." He holds his bandaged hand up as evidence.

"You kidnapped me," I say stoically. "I'd say a bitten hand doesn't even begin to compare."

Reed laughs, "Touché." He pauses. "Truthfully, I probably would've beaten the shit out of you except . . . I didn't want to ruin such a perfect face."

I roll my eyes but continue staring at him. "I must be crazy to even be asking this but . . . are you really trying to flirt with me?" I ask sharply.

"Let's get started shall we?" Reed says, ignoring my question. He picks up a vial from the table that's filled with red liquid. "I'm supposed to be finding out your true talents. And this is suppose to help me."

"What do you mean 'true talents'?" I ask, holding back the urge to find out what's in the vial.

"Oh that's right," says Reed, smiling. "You don't know. Guess the Winchesters didn't tell you? Then again . . . they don't know either."

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I say, raising my voice.

"You'll find out soon enough," answers Reed, uncapping the little glass bottle.

"What is that?" I demand, tensing up.

"Is that fear I'm hearing?" asks Reed tauntingly, now standing right in front of me.

"What. Is. It?" I hiss, clenching my teeth.

"It's blood," replies Reed, casually as he grabs ahold of my mouth and forces it open.

"My blood."

And then he pours it into my mouth.

Yikes the cringe is strong (don't worry the writing gets better I swear to god)

Published in August 2014 probably

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