Chapter Eight

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I'm curled up in the backseat, almost asleep when I feel the car turn sharply to the left and stops.

"Is she asleep?" I hear Sam ask.

Quickly, I shut my eyes as Dean turns and looks at me

"Uhh yes."

"Alright. Let's just bury the body first," says Sam, getting out of the car.

"Moody much," mutters Dean, also getting out.

I smile slightly and pull my phone out of my pocket to see I have exactly 267 texts.

"Oh shit" I whisper. "Liam."

 ● ● ●

Earlier in the day

"Liam? Honey are you okay?" says Mrs.Johnson, walking into his room.

"She can't be gone Mom," whispers Liam, blowing his nose again. "She just can't."

"Sweetie . . . " Mrs. Johnson sighs and looks away blinking back tears.

"I'm so sorry."

"I can't reach Angela. She won't answer her phone," says Liam. "And  neither will Robert."

"Hm . . . " murmurs Mrs. Johnson finding this quite strange. Angela's parents had died years back and she now lived with her grandparents who were on a two month trip to Hawaii (which she did not approve of since they left a 16 year old girl at home alone who tended to get into trouble). Ever since they left, Angela hadn't been leaving her house that often except to get groceries and hang out with Zayana, Robert, and Liam.

As for Robert not answering, Mrs. Johnson isn't quite sure. Although Robert often takes naps that last up to six hours sometimes.

"I'll go over to their houses and see what's wrong," declares Mrs. Johnson. "If they don't know . . . well they need to know. Okay?"

Liam nods weakly and rolls over in his bed, a sob shaking his whole body.

Mrs. Johnson lays a hand on her son, hesitantly stands up and leaves the room.

 ● ● ●

"Don't!" yells Dean slapping my phone out of my hand. 

"What the fu-!"

"If everyone thinks you were killed in a fire you are not gonna ruin that by calling whoever you were gonna call!" Sam says sharply.

"But - wait how the hell do you know I was killed in a fire?!" I demand.

"It's all over the news!" replies Dean. "You didn't tell us your mom was killed in a fire!"

"You didn't ask," I say shortly.

"Either way, how was your mom killed?" says Sam.

"Why does it matter?" I say, losing my fighting power.

"Just tell us."

I shoot them both dirty looks and take a deep breath. No crying.

"Uh I walked into he house and it was dark so then I went into her room looking for her and - and she was . . .  " I blink back tears.

"She was on the ceiling."

I look up to see Sam and Dean giving each other a troubled look.

"What?" I ask. "What is it? Why does it matter how she was killed?"

"Zayana . . . " says Dean.

"Nothing it doesn't matter," says Sam.

"No. Tell me," I snap.

"Demons killed your mother Zay," says Dean.

I step back as an invisible weight seems to clutch my lungs, cutting off oxygen.

"What?" I say. "Yeah that's hilarious. So funny."

"It's true," replies Sam.

"Yeah? And how the hell would you know that?"

"Because . . . " Dean starts.

"-Because our mom was killed the same way," answers Sam gravelly.

Vengeance ~Supernatural~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora