Chapter Thirty-Nine

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My eyes snap open and immediately I become aware of the damp atmosphere I'm in.

I take in a ragged breath; my arms aching as I vaguely recognize someone is calling my name.

"Zay! Zay!" someone yells. I look up, my vision clearing to see Dean running at me. I feel relief wash over me.

"Thank goodness," I murmur, my voice rough.

"Hey, hey you okay?" he says, his hands on either side of my face.

I nod. "Y - Yeah." I groan and move slightly only to have shots of pain shoot down my arms. I look at the concrete floor and realize my feet aren't even touching the ground.

"Okay I'm gonna get you down," says Dean, pulling out a knife. I nod as he begins cutting at the rope.

"Where's Sam?" I ask, still a little dazed.

"Taking out the Djinn. He had a handle on it and told me to go on ahead," says Dean as he finishes cutting the rope. Because my feet aren't touching the ground I fall a few inches and stumble forward. Dean grabs a hold of my arms stopping me from falling, my legs wobbly.

"You alright?" says Dean again.

I nod as Dean envelops me in hug.

"How long was I missing?" I ask, leaning against him.

"Almost two days," answers Dean as we both pull away.

I nod and run my hand through my hair, hissing as pain flies up my arm.

"Your arms hurt?" asks Dean.

I nod but don't answer him as my eyes search the worn down building, looking for the man I saw in the Djinn world.

And then I spot him, halfway across the room.

"Oh my god." I run towards him and check his pulse. "He's alive!" I say. "Barely but he's alive!" I begin untying him and pulling the tubes out of his flesh. I glance around. "Where are all the other victims?" I look at Dean who looks solemn. "Dean?" I ask.

"They're all gone Zay," he says. "Dead. The Djinn can kill you in just days." He looks at the man I'm almost done untying. "This guy here is lucky to be alive." He stares at me. "And so are you Zay."

I look away from Dean and realize I'm crying. I wipe the tears away and finish untying the man, Josh, and immediately he begins falling towards the ground. I try and keep a hold on him but he's heavy and I ended up sinking to the ground right beside him.

"Come on wake up," I murmur, tears seeping out of my eyes. This can't happen. Not again. "Come on open your eyes!" I say, sounding almost hysterical. "Dean we've gotta get him to a hospital."

"Zay," Dean says gently, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I shrug his hand off and silently curse, my hands shaking.

"Dammit," I whisper as his eyes stay shut.

And then Josh's eyes flutter open and he lets out a cough.

"Thank goodness," I say. His eyes focus on me, a disoriented look on his face.

"Hey listen to me," I say. "You're gonna be okay. We're gonna get you to a hospital." I gesture to Dean to help me pick him up

"Y - You," he says, his voice raspy as we lift him up, Dean doing most of the work. "I saw you." He gasps suddenly, looking around, an almost desperate look on his face. He gingerly stands up but keeps an arm on Dean's shoulder.

"Wh - Where's Annie and Jeremy?" His voice chokes up. "Where are my kids?"

Dean and I look at each other, baffled. Then, it clicks into place. Jeremy and Annie must've been the twins he and his wife lost two years ago.

Vengeance ~Supernatural~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang