Chapter Forty

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"Angela?" I say again into the phone gripping it tightly.

"Zay? Zay, where are y -!"

I jump as someone rips the phone away from my ear.

"Hey!" I yelp looking up to see Sam holding the phone.

"Sam!" I yell. "Give it back! That was Angela!"

He ignores me and taps 'end' and slips the phone into his pocket.

I stare at him, baffled and outraged. What the hell is he doing?!

"Sam!" I say my voice shrill. "That was Angela!"

"Yeah I know who it was," Sam says.

I continue to stare at him. "Then why did you hang up?!"

"Zay just calm down -"

"Calm down? I just heard one of my best friend's voices for the first time in a month! I will not calm down!"

Sam opens his mouth to say something but I interrupt him.

"How did she call me off of Cas's phone?" I ask more myself than Sam. "Did Cas find them? Has Cas had them this entire time and not told us?" I look at Sam. "We have to call back, Sam."

"Zayana, listen to me," says Sam. "I was going to tell you that Cas had found them but -"

"Wait, wait, wait stop," I say. "You knew? You knew Cas found them?"

Sam stops talking, as if realizing he said the wrong thing. "Yes but -"

"How long?" I say.

"Zay it doesn't matter -"

"How. Long?" I demand, my voice hard.

Sam sighs and glances around the room.

"A week."

"Are you serious? Oh my god." I take a deep breath. "You've known for a week where Angela and Robert are. When were you planning on telling me?"

"Soon," Sam says quickly. "But with the whole thing with the vampires I thought it might be better to -"

"Hey you guys wanna go get something to eat?" Dean asks, popping into the kitchen.

"Shut up, Dean," Sam and I say, looking over at him.

I turn my gaze back to Sam, anger boiling.

"You had no right to do that, Sam. Those are my best friends that you kept from me."

"Wait what's going on?" Dean asks, clueless. "What happened?"

"Did you know too?" I demand, turning to face him.

"Know what?" says Dean sounding utterly confused.

"Cas found Angela and Robert," I say.

"What?" says Dean. "Where?! Is he bringing them here?"

"He found them a week ago Dean," I say, narrowing my eyes, not sure if I believe him.

"So what does that mean?" says Dean. "Cas found them and hasn't told us?"

"Oh no," I say. "He told Sam."

Dean stares for a minute before say, "I don't understand." He turns to Sam. "You knew this entire time and you didn't tell either of us? What the hell Sam?!"

Sam looks back and forth at us and opens his mouth then closes it.

"Call Cas back, Sam," I say menacingly. "If you don't I'll call him myself."

Vengeance ~Supernatural~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora