i. | the big easy life

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chapter 1

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chapter 1

Everybody finds somebody someplace
There's no telling where love may appear
Something in my heart keeps saying
My someplace is here


new orleans, 2010

"Move!" the twenty-two year old Jade Forbes exclaimed running down one of the streets in the French Quarter. She was late for dinner with her best friend, thanks to a tattoo client who wouldn't stop stalling, telling and retelling the young woman about his "shocking revelation." She wasn't payed enough for this. 

Jade had been working as a tattoo artist for four years in the busy and turbulent part of New Orleans known as the French Quarter. She had always loved drawing as a child, yet never knew how to connect it to her actual future, her brain poisoned by her father's hurtful words that her talent would be of no use to anything. So she thought, planned and fussed until she finally came up with tattooing. Take that, you old fuck. 

She was quite good at it, especially because she felt amazing doing what she loved, which was art. She loved listening to her clients' ideas and testing her skills to perfectly reproduce them on stencils. And the money was good, that's always a plus. But bypassing the financial issue of this career path, pride flowed through her every time clients decided to have something she created decorate their bodies forever. Her work, her art, on someone's body. Forever. That's the biggest compliment you can get as an artist, at least in her opinion. It also relaxed her, the vibrations of the tattoo machine fighting with her skilled hand to make everything she had in her head transfer perfectly to someone's body.

Her interest in tattoos was only practical at first. After so many years of living in the Forbes house, and especially under the same roof as her father, there were many reminders of his anger on her body. Lots of scars were visible on her right hand, because with this hand he dragged her to the basement, this hand he chained to the floor so she couldn't escape. But she also had plenty on her stomach, legs and back. She won't dwell on that ones. So her original plan was to cover those places with multitude of tattoos, always thinking they're badass, seeing them on the bodies of her music idols. So, she started with her arm, then covered some of her belly. Always keeping in mind that the scars were the only reason. But in the meantime, she realized that scars are not something to be ashamed of. They are not something that must necessarily disappear. No. They aren't there for no reason, they're there as a reminder of how they were created in the first place and how many things she had to go through, how many moments there were that almost killed her, that made her strong.

Before entering one of the New Orleans restaurants, Jade took a quick look at her watch and saw that she was 15 minutes late. Upon entering, she quickly located her favorite blonde head and waved briskly with a bright smile.

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