JoJo Steals The Show Show

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we arrive at the studio and i hope theirs no meltdowns like last week

and this week we have Christy and Sarah with us i'm excited to have Sarah..Christy not so much

"okay welcome Christy, Sarah" Abby says

we clap for Sarah

"let's get to pyramid quickly, we were in Las Vegas Nevada last weekend congratulations we did a David Bowie number and the group won"

we all clap

"now on the bottom of the pyramid we have Kalani she's not here."

"next we have Mackenzie, in class i don't remember yelling at you about your feet, onstage i think you gave out the face the choreography and the musicality i think that's the first thing to go the feet"

"next we have JoJo, nice job in the group no problems fine."

"next we have Kendall, Kendall you got through the whole day without a meltdown pretty good"

"next we have Maddie, you really wanted to hold on to that can of silly spray it was about you getting out the last drop"

"next we have Nia, i didn't see a stellar performance i didn't see any mistakes you were just middle of the road"

"and next we have Kayla, i thought you really nailed the number and i think your screaming and running away with the silly spray got you higher than your sister"

i smile

"and on top our winner congratulations on your first place solo win"

we clap for Brynn

"this week we will be at New York Dance Experience in Longbeach" Abby says

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"this week we will be at New York Dance Experience in Longbeach" Abby says

we all clap

"now local competition so you need to be so good and so amazing that every one of those parents go you know what maybe it's time my kid comes and trains here at the ALDC LA..we all went except for Sarah to Las Vegas who had a good time?" Abby asks

we all raise our hands

"you don't go to Las Vegas without seeing a show, we saw the Michel Jackson one show i was inspired so this week we have a Micheal Jackson theme"

we all cheer

"people don't understand that the glove was a symbol for Micheal Jackson the glove was a baseball glove Micheal Jackson's favourite thing was baseball you're doing a baseball dance"

we all cheer

"Brynn you're doing a duet with Sarah"

we clap for Brynn and Sarah

"last but certainly not least..Kendall you're doing a duet with Maddie" Abby says

Kendall and Maddie scream and hug eachother

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