Zephaniah (10)

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this chapter is also going to be a tigger warning, domestic abuse and very sensitive issues being talk about too, if you are going through abuse, here's the domestic hotline number (737-225-3150) and I'm so sorry, you are so loved and so cherish, you're abuser isn't you're story, you are strong and I praying for you fr. Enjoy 💙

Same day,later that night.


I am almost home and I think my eyes playing tricks on me. "Is somebody on my porch?" I mumbled to myself. What if it's Troy, I mean I know we have to talk but damn. I'm now approaching my house and Anandi sits on my porch step. My last porch steps at that. Every ounce of me wanted to yell and fight and scream, but this is my aunt. My dad taught me one thing it's to always make sure you give respect. No matter what option you have upon them, respect must be given not earned, that's like we have to fight for human decency, and for some reason, people still believe as if that is a choice. I learned from my mistake the first time, now it's my opportunity to prove it. I sat next to her, expecting her to say something but she didn't. We watch as the last bit of sunrise fell and now it's pitch black. I wanted to break the ice. "what now, let me think are you're going to tell me that you're a werewolf?" And thank god for the street lights, so I could see her smile, she has a pretty one for sure. "Anandi I don't feel comfortable calling you auntie, but I think you're beautiful, whatever happened to you and my dad beforehand doesn't have shit to do with me, and I'm sorry you missed out on us. I bet you would've been a great aunt to my bother and I."

Anandi took a deep breath and then looked at me. "you have grown up to be such a beautiful woman yourself. You look like you're mom when she was your age, she meet your father around the same time too." I watch her as she move her attention to the streets, I heard cars passing by and her voice was so soothing to listen to. "I remember back in the day when you're mom, Adelisa, and me would go shopping, we passed the bridal place nearby the mall and your mom would smile so big, and brag about how she can't wait to marry your father.

Adelisa and I would be bursting out laughing trying to tell her our bother isn't all that, if anything he was the lamest human we ever encountered with. I knew then they were meant for each other in a way cause she argue with us about how she love and appreciate her man, flaws and all. I knew she wasn't lying either. You can see it in her face, the way they interacted with each other. The love that radiated through them is something I'm still trying to find. I loved you're mom like she was my sister. Sometimes I wish we could've traded places. I wouldn't be here trying to explain myself to you and you're bother and I'll have the honor to call you my child."

Anandi took another deep breath and spoke again, "and my bother wouldn't be my bother, the sacrifices wouldn't be as deep, and their tides wouldn't be as troubling. I don't regret anything in my life though. I did the time and the crimes and I'm paying for it. I deserve to. I'm tired of people trying to save me. All my life somebody was always trying to save me. Sometimes, I wish, I followed their direction, but I'm also glad I didn't. If this were meant to happen it would. No if, ands, or buts about it. Now I know, I spoke my truth at the park, but something was tingling my soul, that's something wrong. I felt it around both of you and you're bother. It wasn't that you guys are mad at each other but something happening in y'all lives you're hiding from each other. Anandi looked at me and stared at my neck for a little too long for my liking. Then she moved her focus back to whatever was in front of her. "you know sometimes, that's if you believe in the lord or the universe, etc, that if you don't learn you're lesson in your lifetime, you'll see it through somebody else's, that way you'll be able to tell you're story to help them, where they don't reach that too late marking point. What I mean by that is, when you are hurt enough, happy, or grateful, you'll see the same things in another person. You'll be able to pick up the signs from another person cause you understand that since it happened to you too. You know what to look for and how to go about it."

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