Zephaniah (20a)

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A/N: This is just an continuation chapter. Viewer discretion is heavily advised.


I finally made it into my apartment, walked in, turned the lights on and closed and lock my doors. I called my supervisor, tell him give me 3 hours, he asked why so long and I said cause there's more things I need yo analyze about a few of my cases before I let him see the the reviews, and on the way back to the station, it's going to be traffic. "alright O, but if we need you to come in earlier, I'm calling you in." I agreed to the conditions and we was off the phone.

I called Adelisa, but it went right to voicemail. I stop sharing my location. I went to my bathroom and got ready to get in the shower. I turned the water on and headed back to my room. I heard a ding and walked to the kitchen, I check it was Adelisa. I'm 13 mins away. I tried calling again and it's went right to voicemail and then I got an immediate answer. I'm driving with Focus turned on. I'll see your message when I get where I'm going. I ignore it and headed to get into the shower. I just need 10.


Hi baby. I went back to the hospital to check up on Zaire. I have nothing but time on my hands. I'm try my best to come up here everyday. Jupiter said he can get me a job at an McDonald's his friend owns, and I should join Zephaniah program. If I want the help, he can help me get back on my feet. Right now I'm staying at an woman shelter and I'm trying everything, I can do to get back on good graces with my kids. Staring with Zaire. I walked up to him and he looked up at me. I almost started crying, it reminded me of how he was as a toddler, the way he would look up and it looked like he just trusted me with everything.

I thought I'll never see that again. Maybe there's is hope for me. He haven't said anything to me, but I know he listening to me. I know what you're thinking. Why do people only come around when shit going bad for you. Why did I come around at a time like this. Well baby I'm so sorry. In all honestly. I didn't really learn my lesson until now. I'm not telling you that you have to forgive me, but if you have a heart like you're father did, then, I'm already forgiven.

I'm also sorry you're in this situation. I never would've thought you and you're sister would be going through this much pain. After you're father tragic death too. It's like all our karma coming on to you guys and believe me, it's also effecting everybody else around y'all too. I heard you got a little babies arriving in a few months. Congratulations papa. I saw him smile and I held his hand. I'm very sadden this happened to you, but I'm more than grateful that you and you're sister are okay.

"Mama, I need you to listen, I'm not okay, mentally or physically now, I haven't been okay in a long time and neither is Zephaniah, you're kids are fucks ups just like you are. Is that what you wanted?"

My heart shattered into 1,000 pieces.

"Mom, I don't want to talk about this right now, definitely while I'm in this condition. If you're going to visit please just, save the excuses until I'm able to actually walk out on them." I smiled. I'll be back tomorrow okay. I grip his hand tighter and walked out. I don't deserve his forgiveness. I wasn't expecting that either. I'm be okay though and so will they be. I have hope.


I got out the shower, and I heard my phone rang for the 3 time. I grab my dry towel and dried the water off my body. I went into my room grab my bathrobe and heard my phone rang for the 4 time. I hope this ain't chief or somebody else blowing my shit like this. I sat my dry towel in my dirty laundry basket and headed to the kitchen where my phone is still at. As I approached, my phone, I see the caller name is Adelisa. I went in my fridge and open a water bottle. I drank some of it and place the water bottle on the counter and closed my fridge. I opened my ring app and saw her right outside my door to whom she was about to call me again. I laugh and walked to the door and opened it before I even got a word out she over talking me. "Ozias like really, I know you heard you're phone!-" she looked at me and stoped talking. I closed the door behind her, lock it and looked back at her, she just stared at me. I laughed. Did an cat caught you're tongue, why you're so quite now. She took her shoes off then spoke to me.

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