Chapter 23

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Dean:"Right, you ready?" I ask Lola giving her a pointed look.

If this works then I'll get into Sophie's room and see her. If it doesn't, Lola won't be able to stall Liam and I won't get up the stairs or even in the house. I need her to keep him out of the way as much as I can so I can see her. I'll do whatever she wants, I don't care what that is, if she doesn't want me there I'll go but if she wants me to stay, well, I'm not gonna leave her.

"Yeah, I dunno how but I will." She smiles weakly at me before walking away up the yard where Liam is standing filling up a water bucket.

"Just kiss him or summat!" I shout with a smirk at her before she throws me a look over her shoulder meant to shut me up.

I know she likes him even if she doesn't know it herself and everyone else knows Liam has a thing for her and always has. I guess without having Sophie play match maker they'll take longer than they should to get together because everyone knows Sophie loves to play matchmaker with people.

As soon as I see Lola go into the barn with Liam I make a run for the house. Their Dad is out, probably working or something, so when I reach the door I race up the stairs to come face to face with Sophie's door.

I don't know if I want to go in here or not. I don't want to see how bad a state she's in but she's Sophie and I want to see her. Of course I'm gonna want to see her. I just don't think I'm ready to see what i'm bound to see as soon as I walk in here.

Reaching out, I slowly turn the handle on the door, pushing it open so I can step in.

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