Loki meets Tom

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Loki was pacing around his chambers lost in his own thoughts. Loki's recently been making more frequent visits to London. Loki was thinking about how that came to be and the current situation. It was when he'd met Tom it had begun. Before that Loki mostly had hidden since coming to Midgard together with his brother. After Ragnarök it had been the best place to live for the remaining Asgardians.

Their new settlement was built in no time and after that Loki didn't have anything to do really. Thor was the natural ruler. He was at good foot with everyone and solved all upcoming issues. Loki was bored and felt like he was the fifth wheel. He knew that his brother tried to get him involved. Thor probably hoped that Loki would get more accepted into the role as advisor and that the people would get more comfortable with him over time.

Loki had tried to stay low-key and remained in Thor's shadow to keep his brother happy. Thor often sought out his company and wanted Loki to feel equally important. Loki saw through his brother's efforts, but wasn't upset about it because he'd come to terms with his brotherly love. In fact, he didn't even feel belittled. He was truly happy to have Thor as a brother and tried hard to keep himself busy with things of no consequence.

But he couldn't keep it up for long. He wasn't cut out for just being content with doing nothing. Loki wasn't aiming for greatness anymore, but it wasn't possible for him to settle for boredom either. It didn't help that he wasn't really accepted by the people. In the end he was Loki and he needed to get out, get things moving.

He'd been visiting different places at Midgard and had come to favour London, much due to Tom. Come to think of it, Tom is kind, fun and had showed an overall friendly interest in Loki. Loki wasn't used to be treated with so much consideration. Tom made him feel so good about himself and sort of alive. He sighed at his own thoughts thinking he's being way too easy at the first little friendly approach from someone and I'm reacting like a young nervous boy

It was actually a long time since Loki became attracted to another man and he frequently went back for being around Tom. He didn't really expect anything to happen. Tom is just too nice to tell me to sod off Loki had until yesterday evening only made small passes at Tom, barely noticeable like holding a longer eye contact or casually laying his hand at Tom. Nothing that could be traced to really be Loki hitting on Tom. He knew Tom was into women, but yesterday Loki saw an opening and seized the moment.

They had been to a pub, had a few laughs then another pub and another before ending up in front of the tv at Tom's place. Loki had fun and felt like he was treated like an equal. It was a pleasant easygoing evening and they chitchatted about all sorts of things. Loki had caught Tom glancing at Loki while he was rising to get to the loo. When Loki was getting back to the living room he saw to that he 'accidentally' stumbled against the wall and happened to switched the lights off, which left just the lights from the tv.

Loki sat himself rather close to Tom and let his hand swiftly brush against Tom's leg on his way sitting down. Tom made a slight movement scooting forward but didn't say anything. Loki took a sip at own his beer and then let his hand land at Tom's leg. He's doing it as it appears to be unconscious but casually leaves his hand at Tom's thigh. He could feel Tom's muscles tense up and expected to hear a protest. When nothing more happened Loki reached and slowly stroked the inside of Tom's thigh.

Tom scooted slightly more forward at the couch, stretching his legs and sank back at the back of the sofa. He let his hand get close to Loki's thigh. Loki followed Tom's action and sank back at the backside of the sofa. He was curious and excited to have Tom reacting like this. Tom moved his hand to Loki's thigh being one step behind.

Loki knew he easily could scare Tom off and was careful not to go too fast in his advancements. His hand stayed put at Tom's thigh. After a short while Tom let his hand gently stroke Loki's thigh up to his crotch. His action made Loki draw for breath and move his hips under Tom's hand. He wasn't able to be subtle anymore.

Tom's thigh felt hot under Loki's hand and Loki continued to touch him while gliding upwards. He was holding his breath as he tried to move slowly. In reality he wanted to throw himself over Tom but restrained his urges. Loki settled on putting his hand over Tom's bulge. Tom reacted by rubbing against his hand why Loki quickly unzipped Tom's trousers. He didn't want to loose Tom's newfound interest and was afraid of being rejected if Tom were to realise what was happening. When Loki had Tom's semi hard length in his hand Loki started with a stroking movement.

Loki could see Tom's head fall back closing his eyes at Loki's action. Tom let out a groan and unzipped Loki reaching for him. They both sat with legs wide apart and had a firm grip while following the others stroking rhythm. Loki tried to hold back his own excited noises being focused at Tom who moaned twitching his head in pleasure.

They were in this way helping each other to a pleasurable climax. From what Loki could tell by the aroused sounds Tom was making at the time he didn't find their encounter displeasing. Loki didn't want to push his chances so he just thanked Tom for a enjoyable evening and bid farewell.

After a few days Loki decides to visit London once again. He really can't stay away any longer and finds Tom in the park walking his dog. Tom greets him with a shy smile and they walk together in silence before Loki says "I'm grateful for your response the other day". Tom looks up from the pathway and swallows. He's blushing and just nods a little at Loki's words.

Loki continue, a bit hastily at first "I do enjoy your company and quite frankly I'm attracted to you." He pauses before saying "I am also aware of your inclination, not being into someone like me, so I can be content just spending time together". Loki's thought's wasn't matching what he saying, but he didn't want to upset Tom and wanted to make sure he could keep their relationship intact.

"It's ok" Tom said with a side look at Loki adding "it wasn't that bad you know" as he's slightly grinning. His remark made Loki react with a quick glance at him answering "Is this an invitation". He can't let what Tom said pass by without seizing his moment. He's biting his lip being suddenly anxious to hear Tom's answer. Tom strode on, suddenly taking even longer steps and didn't give a response. Loki has equally long legs and wasn't having any trouble at all following Tom's sudden increase in speed.

"We could of course be doing something more intimate" Loki continued. He felt encouraged by Tom's response not being rejected. Tom was hesitant before answering. "What if I was a bit interested" Tom answered "how would it work, I mean you're immensely stronger and have magical powers, a fling in the couch is one thing, but....I don't know, well I'm not some plaything".

Loki couldn't believe what he was hearing, how was he supposed to respond to that? He didn't want to loose something he felt was in his grasp. And he wanted Tom. Loki made an attempt to meet Tom's objections by saying "we could do what you'd like to do". Tom said "yes, and when you decide not to, what then"

With this said Loki had to ask "we're still talking about being intimate?" Tom simply stated a "yes". Loki answered with a mischievous "then easy, I could always be bound and gagged to suppress strength and the magic" Tom fell silent at Loki's words, then looked at him with a raised eyebrow "is it an option?"

Loki became startled at first, then shrugged his shoulders saying "why, yes" Tom fell silent again, then biting his lip before saying "can't believe I'm saying this, but I am intrigued and am considering it". Loki felt a satisfying feeling coming over him thinking this is kind man is considering me and couldn't help but to smile.

"Thank you, I'll see you tomorrow" Loki made a small bow and left.
Tom were left with his thoughts as Loki disappeared. What did I do, did I say yes, is Loki expecting something tomorrow? He is quite alluring though and a smile could be seen in the corner of Toms mouth as his thoughts wanders.

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