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Loki wakes up feeling Tom close and all nuzzled up to him. He stretches a bit careful not to be disturbing Tom wanting to linger in this feeling. It's so good to have Tom seeking closeness. Loki's enjoying his lean body and soft breathing. While breathing him in Loki thinks back at what you just did. It makes him smile and yet again he's hit with the thought they're so good together

Having you on the phone like that and being in control over what they did gives Loki a swirling sensation of love and affection. He squirms in delight just thinking of how you directed Tom to him feeling Loki was in need of it. Loki wants to stay with the both of you. He's finally found where he belongs.

The fact that Tom hasn't released Loki from the cord makes Loki feel wanted. It's like Tom wants to keep the opportunity to play with him. Or to keep the idea of Loki being his. Loki bites his lip thinking about it. He does like to be available for Tom. And if Tom wants to have him again when he wakes up Loki will happily oblige. Loki squirms a little wanting Tom to wake up.

Tom's light sleeping made him fully awake feeling Loki move. Laying partly at him made Tom really sensitive to any movement of Loki's. He's murmuring "want to shower with me, before eating? I brought you breakfast, but it's probably ruined by now." Blinking the sleepiness out of his eyes Tom looks up at Loki who's gazing down at him "oh please. So, care to untie me then?" Tom lets his greedy gaze roam over Loki's body as he's contemplating the question. "Not really no... I like this. You I mean" he ends the contemplation looking up at Loki again. His eyes are sparkling with affection as he lets a hand roam over Loki's chest.

Loki moves slightly feeling all giddy of happiness at Tom's open love declaration. Tom leans up to untie him and steals a quick kiss on the way before saying "but I'd like to take you out for breakfast. You must be famished... and that can't be doing any good for your health." Loki laughs happily at Tom's concern saying "why thank you. I gladly accept your offer." Tom tilts his head saying "You know, I like to keep you happy and content. That includes wining and dining." He pauses before saying "and dancing... Do you dance Loki?"

Loki smiles and blush a little at Tom's question answering "I do... or did. It was in fact a long time ago, too long. I'd be happy to remedy that with you." Thinking about it he really would. He can vividly remember how Tom danced and stripped for him when first being in Tom's bedroom. Loki would like to dance with Tom, having his slender hips moving against his. A sudden shudder flows through him at the thought.

When Loki's released he grabs ahold of Tom for an embrace in pure joy. Loki can't hold his feelings to himself anymore. He crushes in on Tom making him huff in response before stopping himself. "Sorry" Loki mumbles being slightly embarrassed at his strong own reaction. Tom smiles back at him "I feel the same, it's ok."
They shower being caught up in their newfound love and affection for each other. Loki's smile doesn't leave his face even for a second.

Tom can't help but to touch Loki every time he looks at him. Loki is practically beaming feeling like he can't contain or hide his emotions. He's wanted and loved. Tom makes sure Loki's feeling well taken care of. He loves the look on Loki's face as Tom keeps on touching him. Getting dressed Tom says "I know just the place. Come on." He looks at Loki with a grin "It's like I want to show you off" he shakes his head at himself "I'm sorry if I'm acting weird."

Tom goes to the bathroom as Loki's getting dressed. Loki bites his lip before deciding that he wants to keep his thin collar and cord. He tucks it into his T-shirt and down trousers at the back. The collar is thin and could be seen as a necklace at Loki's throat. He likes the feeling it gives him. The feeling of belonging to the two of you. It's a real thing and he can wear it with him as a thrilling reminder.

Loki knows he needs to get home before Thor goes scavenging around the world for him. Even if Loki's not done anything of lately to make Thor to be in doubt of his changed character, Loki's rather recent events in New York and so forth leaves him with a need to prove himself. He grins at himself knowing Thor would never stop his mockery if he were to learn about his brother's inclination and the collar he's wearing.

Loki's done dressing when Tom shows up again. Tom lets his gaze roam at Loki's appearance as he asks "are you ready to let me take you out on a date my love?" His choice of words makes Loki all warm inside and he beams back at Tom "I'm all yours." Tom lets out a small sound before smiling "I do like the sound of that." He makes a sudden low giggling noise at all of his strong overwhelming emotions coming forth.

Loki takes Tom's hand dragging him towards the front door "let's go." He likes Tom's giddy almost nervous behaviour. It makes Loki feel like he really means something to Tom. It feels so good walking together out in the streets. It's both carefree and peaceful. Tom takes Loki to a small cozy restaurant which has brunch on the menu. He's right, Loki's famished when getting aware of his other bodily needs. Tom address the waitress in a decisive manner as he orders the food. Loki lets Tom order for them both sensing that Tom likes to take care of him.

They eat and talk for a long time just enjoying each other's company. Loki glances at Tom's hands from time to time and at the way Tom is touching things. He'd like them to be at himself and a shivering note goes through him. It's like Loki's need for physical contact grows stronger the more he gets.

Tom excuses himself going to the restroom. Being left alone Loki realises with a sigh he's got to get back to let Thor know about his whereabouts. Since Ragnarök they've gotten closer again. Not as much as they used to be, like when they were children, but it's getting better over time. Loki doesn't want their relationship to get worse. He's come to terms with his own life and that his brother is important to him. They've got each other and are all the family they've got left.

He also needs to get some things, his own clothes for example. Loki looks at Tom's slender figure as he walks away. He's licking his lips seeing how Tom's bum moves under his slim fitted trousers. It's almost enticing or teasing to see. A grin forms in the corner of his mouth thinking about how Tom wanted him earlier this morning. After a short while Loki follows Tom. He catches him washing his hands. Tom lits up seeing him entering the restroom. He looks at Loki as he takes a towel drying his hands.

Tom's smile hits Loki right in his stomach. Loki's infatuated and breathes in getting a new wave of arousal in his core. In a short second Loki's got Tom pinned to the wall caressing the sides of Tom's body. The sudden action made Tom slam his hands up at the wall. Tom can feel Loki's hard cock at his bum as he's getting swept up in Loki's desire. Loki kisses Tom's neck letting a hand slip in at the back of Tom's trousers. He fingers Tom lightly at his entrance breathing heavy in his ear.

Tom's body reacts by arching to Loki's touch. He's getting a suction straight to his core of pounding desire. He actually likes the feeling of being pressed into the wall without being able to get free. He trusts Loki, compared to when it first started out. Loki whispers hoarsely "I watched you walk over here and had to get my hands on you... or rather in you."

Tom draws for breath and leans his head back at Loki who continues "unfortunately I can't stay any longer. I have to leave to let my brother know where I'm at. Otherwise he's going to suspect I'm scheming to take over the world."

Loki pushes his slender fingers a bit further in making Tom moan straight out. As Tom is arching back to Loki's fingers he hears Loki whisper close to his ear "when all I want to do is to take you." Tom gets weak in his legs wanting just that. Loki likes how Tom gets affected by him and mumbles "I do hope you'll let me close when we see each other again?" A panting "please" is all Tom manages to get out.

Then Tom wants to be sure. He gathers himself saying in a pleading voice. "you'll come back to us?" Loki gets all warm inside hearing Tom's question. He answers straight away "I couldn't possibly stay away for long. I'm coming back later today." Tom leans back for a kiss saying "good, we'll be at Y/N's place." They meet in a tender kiss and Loki slowly pulls out his hand from Tom's trousers as they kiss.

Tom sighs being all dizzy when the kiss ends. He wants more and nuzzles back at Loki who's whispering "I'd like to take you back to Y/N's home to give you a proper thank you for the breakfast. But then I'd never get to my brother." Tom smiles hearing his words "it's alright, do what you must. I'll wait for you." Loki gives Tom a small kiss at his neck before taking his leave. As Loki walks away he can hear Tom say faintly "I miss you already."  It leaves Loki with a warm fuzzy feeling and he genuinely wants to be back to be with Tom and you as soon as possible.

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