Loki's compensating you

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You've all rested and eaten something light in the kitchen. Loki's looking all warm and soft as he just sits listening to Tom and yourself talking and laughing. I feel really good Loki's thoughts are filled with contentment and the feeling of being accepted and part of this context is giving him fuzzy feelings. As the feelings wells over him he's having trouble coping. I'm not going to break down here. I'm coming off as way too emotional and needy Loki gets to a defensive point and swallows

Loki suddenly excuses himself and goes for a quick shower when you and Tom clear the kitchen. None of you noticed Loki's sudden change in emotions. You're quite happy about him staying on thinking he could just as well say his farewell. With Loki gone you tell Tom of the first part of your wishes, or plan, which has formed rather quick since Loki said you could do whatever you wanted.

Loki's immediate response to your comment about him going to fast gives you a thrill full of expectations. He just gave you free hands to do what you want with him. Your mind took the invitation as a promise of that amazing pleasure you could get. Tom looks at you saying "that's why I love you, always full of surprises"

You ask Tom if he's ok with it or if there's something he couldn't do. Tom smiles back at you saying "a bit naughty but I'm definitely in darling." You both go back to the bedroom waiting for Loki.

Loki enters after a short while. He's only wearing the thin collar around his neck. His hair is still wet and has a few water drops running at his naked body. At first he's glancing at the both of you. You can't help but to gasp saying "what a sight you are" before waving to make him come over. Loki grins happily at you climbing into bed seeking your mouth for a kiss. It's like you gave him the acknowledgment he needed.

He gets in between you and Tom laying on his stomach and forearms turning to you with searching eyes. "Yes well sweetie" you say "I can't say it out loud" Loki raise an eyebrow frowning his forehead. "Closer, so I can whisper to you" Loki gets a glimmer in his eyes and a smile shows in the corner of his mouth while leaning closer into you. He likes the way this is going. You did take his offer seriously. It's very promising and he likes the fact that you're not afraid to ask something from him.

You whisper close to Loki "I want to come by your mouth, Tom can help you" Loki looks inquiring at you and draws closer to you again. "You'll have to have the cord of course, that's why Tom can assist or so" Loki looks at you again and gets back close to you. He's looking quite puzzled and he wants to know more about your wish.

Where is she going with this? Loki's intrigued. You continue "you have to have your hands at you back I'm afraid" Your words is affecting Loki to the core feeling his blood rush through his body and he lets out a sudden moan thinking I like that, she's amazing, how does she know

You continue whispering to Loki making sure Tom can't hear this bit. "and I'm thinking you'd be so grateful to Tom afterwards that you have to thank him by riding him" Loki both gasps and moans at the same time feeling his cock twitch with sweet sensations of anticipation. "Is this something you can consider Loki?" you finally ask him in a shy almost embarrassed way. Your thoughts are did I go to far, will he accept or is it too much for him? while waiting for his reply.

Loki's trying to gather himself to be able to give a comprehensive answer. Then he quickly gets to your mouth kissing you with heated passion pressing himself to you. He wants to make sure that you understand that he's happy with the suggestion. He's actually looking forward to do something that you really want him to do. And being bound like that is right up his alley.

It's been so long since he had anything like this. Mostly it's been quick encounters with someone who was excited about Loki thinking he was more of a villain than he actually is. This right here is mutual respect and acceptance. Not expecting him to be something he's not.

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