A decision is made

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It's important for me to give credit to owner of the drawing which fueled this story. Thank you

And I have to make a friendly urging warning in case you are, in the slightest, homophobic. Please look elsewhere for your pleasant reading. This is not for you.


It was late afternoon and Tom was at home doing his ordinary domestic choirs finding himself constantly drifting away in thoughts of Loki. Every time he closed his eyes for a longer moment he could hear Loki's heavy breathing next to him. A shiver rushed through him before he stopped his thoughts. Why had he allowed it to happen? What did this mean, Is Loki going to come back today?

Tom swallows at the thought having a strong suction of excitement in his stomach. Why was he drawn to Loki, it wasn't like he wanted a relationship, he wanted WHAT exactly? The excitement he felt as Loki held him was extraordinary though. It was like he couldn't think straight at the time and was driven by, by what? Tom gets to scared or confused at the thought and can't really think it through.

Tom had a hard time focusing and was in a state that only could be described as nervous and almost confused. Finally he called his ex. They had recently broke up due to her not being able to cope with his constant travelling. They were still in touch, shared most of what happened in their life and occasionally still shared bed. Tom didn't want the breakup, but understood her situation of wanting more than he could offer. He still considers Y/N as his best friend and partner.

Y/N took Tom's call while still at work thinking he talked kind of anxiously. This is not like him you think before saying it out loud. Your question makes Tom tell you all about his experience with Loki and why he's nervous. "OMG" you exclaim "are you telling me the hottest god out there is attracted to you, can't blame him though" you laugh. "Tom, good for you, just go with it if it feels ok, don't overthink things"

You hang up after Tom's relieved his heart. He's calmed down and he's really considering your advice thinking why am I so wind up about this? When finishing up at work you can't help yourself but laugh a bit when thinking of Tom's story. Then you feel a bit sorry for Tom who really was distressed talking about it. You do hope that he will come to terms with his desires and don't want him to hold back.


Loki's gathering some things while thoughts fly  Do I seem desperate, too desperate? Has he changed his mind, I should let it go Loki had to sit down to collect his thoughts. He's almost embarrassed to admit to himself that he's nervous. When he closed his eyes he could see Tom's kind eyes look at him it's been so long since, too long in fact, I don't really remember when... An image of Tom's hand took over his thoughts and Loki could still feel Tom's hand around his pulsating need which sent an electric feeling through his body I can't let it go He sighs I've been rejected and looked down upon before, no big deal if it happens again

Loki took a deep breath and rose to his feet. He hesitated while taking the last thing but decided it has to be done. Loki imagined he had really give Tom his trust to ease Tom's doubts. The only way to do that is to show himself as vulnerable and put himself in Tom's hands. Yes, he has to expose himself. Loki looks at himself thinking he's not dressed for the occasion. Tom did express his concern about Loki being stronger and how he was supposed to handle that.

The reflection of his appearance shines back at him. No royal dressing that's for sure. Second thought; no suit ether. I want him to dare to take advantage of me Loki gets more clear about his feelings. He needs to dress down to be less intimidating. He can't possibly show up in full regalia expecting Tom to come to him. Loki swallows at his thought but feels the strong determination growing in him as he gets ready. Then he smiles at his own behaviour could I be more pathetic?

Loki and Tom حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن