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Loki's words about him being around haunts your mind. Does he really like me or is he just toying around You don't really dare to even think the whole thought through and tries to divert your mind away from the thrilling prospect. That's when you feel his hand grab your arm in a possessive way making you swallow OK, that's not a coincidence You glance at him seeing him wink at you. OMG he's actually making me blush. You quickly look away, too embarrassed at your own thoughts.

She feels so good, I have to touch her Loki's thoughts are spinning around you and what you create in him Could she like me a little She's not pulling away from me He glances at you trying to get a grip of your thoughts about him I can be there when Tom's away He gets excited letting himself be swept away. She wants someone who's around Loki then scolds himself for being overly positive about the chance of you accepting him replacing Tom when he's not around. Get a grip on yourself. She's only accepting me due to Tom

His high hopes gets crumbled by his own lack of confidence as being good enough. He knows very well that he's not accepted in the new Asgaard, even though Thor tries hard to make it work. This, right here, could be his chance to belong to something bigger than his own pathetic ego. He does like the idea of teaming up with Tom and you. Loki admits that he's grown tired of his bombastic younger self and wants to settle down. He sighs inwards at his own needy silliness as he tries to gather himself without success. Loki quickly excuses himself going to be bathroom to be alone with his feelings.


While catching your breath your thoughts wanders around Loki he likes the pull at his collar, he really likes when I tell him what to do, he talked about getting hard when Tom said he'd make me sit on him "Tom, care to join me in the kitchen?" "Yes, we could first take a quick shower in the other bathroom"

You head there together. Turning to Tom in the shower "I'm famished" Tom's nodding "Me as well. Let's prepare something for us...why Y/N are you looking so mischievous all of a sudden?" You giggle a little "I've been thinking about Loki's reactions to certain things and I'd like to try something out, I need your help of course" You turn off the shower tilting your head looking pleadingly at Tom who's drying himself off.

Tom looks at you "You really like him don't you?" "I do, is that a bad thing?" "No, no, I'm just wondering where that leaves me..." "Well Tom, right where you are I suppose" you say teasingly raising an eyebrow at him "planning to stay home more often?" Tom glides at his answer "nooo, but..." "So I can be quite happy with the two of you" you grin at him "Tom, I know you like him too" Tom grins back "Am I that obvious"

Neither you nor Tom are aware of Loki's heard the last bit of your conversation. He was done in the bathroom, feeling strong enough to be turning back. He met an empty bedroom and became slightly worried. In search for you he happens to overhear you talking about him. He gets totally still and cannot breathe. It's like his heart stopped they like me Loki's still vulnerable and hearing it from you makes him gasp. The overwhelming feelings takes over his mind making him breathe shallow and being dizzy needing to hold on to the wall to steady himself.

The thought of having something like this in his reach makes him ache. I better not mess it up like I usually do Loki quickly makes his way back to the bedroom. Head's spinning and occasionally he must use a hand to the wall to brace himself. they can't see me like this, seemingly desperate and weak... I'm so pathetic He sinks down at the bed with head resting in his hands She's counting on me Loki's throat tightens and he can feel his longing coming forth as an overwhelming feeling wanting to cry. He can't really do anything more than stay put riding it out.


Feeling refreshed after the short shower Tom and yourself put on T-shirts and sweats heading off to the kitchen to prepare a meal. After a while you realise Loki isn't coming. Nearly done preparing the meal you say to Tom "can you finish and I'll get him?" "Absolutely" Tom's already setting the table. "And Tom, you didn't answer about helping out with know" Tom looks at you as he winks "whatever you need darling" "thank you" His immediate response makes you happy and you shine back at him.

Loki and Tom Where stories live. Discover now