Would it be so bad?

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Hi, it's me again. I'm just trying to help. Do not not continue to read any further if you're homophobic or under 18 years old.
Please, I'm asking you all nicely for both our sakes. All the best


You go straight home to Tom instead of going to your own place. By the way he sounded it made you think he needed help right away. There's plenty of time for me to do all that stuff during the weekend you think to yourself while making the decision.

You're in the sofa when Tom hands you the promised glass of wine. "So" you say "What are your concerns really about, you're usually open to all possibilities". Tom looks at you with a hint of despair saying "it went a little fast and I now feel I've asked too much of him" he's pausing taking a breath before continuing "he's in there". Tom's flickering his eyes before nodding to his bedroom.

You stare at Tom "you're kidding me" Tom looks away while shaking his head in silence. It doesn't look like he's laughing or pulling your leg.
It slowly dawns on you he's telling the truth...
The reality of his statement makes you gulp the whole glass of wine before you can say "why Tom, what is it Tom". Tom's still silent, in a nervous state, so you continue "But you want to, that much I can tell, so... why am I here Tom?"

Tom looks confused saying "don't know, support I guess". He looks at you with pleading eyes. You tilt your head saying "interesting, what do you mean". Tom continues "Im safe around you, this is new to me, perhaps if you were to..." "What, join you" you let out a nervous laughter. Tom says in a low voice "would it be so bad?"

A short second goes by when you think, before you say "no, it's not, if you need me" and hold out your glass. Tom refills it. "Cmon, let's" you continue and rise from the sofa.

Loki's thoughts are spinning real fast what just happened, did I do something wrong, he said wait but it's taking so long. He's trying to figure out what happened and goes through it all, in his head, step by step. He can't hear anything from Tom and his nervousness grows. After a while Loki hears talking outside the bedroom door. He can hear Tom's low voice and a female voice, but can't make out what they're saying due to the closed door. It's like low muffled voices that suddenly goes all quiet.

The time away from Tom and the uncertainty makes Loki real nervous. He withdraws in himself again thinking about how his burning hopes made him stupid and careless. He's trying to see a way out without loosing dignity when the door flies open and he sees a woman storming in. She takes one look at Loki before saying "you stupid moron, what's wrong with you"

Loki has heard this before and expect the same tirade of how he's responsible for New York and all those people dying. He sighs inside and feels the need to instinctively shield himself from whatever is coming. He's getting his act together and looks directly at her when she continues turning to Tom who's right behind her "you're such an idiot, you don't leave people like that, especially not when in such position"

Loki watches in disbelief as she heads straight to the bedside table and puts down her glass. He's not sure what he actually heard. He doesn't know how to respond and waits her next move. Then she leans over to him gathering the pillows helping Loki to a half seated position. "I'm so sorry meeting you like this" she turns to Loki "but I'm glad to finally meet you"

She has the same caring kind eyes as Tom Loki thinks while meeting her eyes. It makes him more relaxed. But he can't fully let his guard down. She takes a seat beside Loki and looks at Tom saying "you do know you have to make it up to him of course, the waiting that is?" Tom looks both confused and regretful hanging his head while looking at them.

"So, I'll take it Tom hasn't told you about me, I'm Y/N, his ex?" She turns to Loki again looking straight in his eyes. Loki shakes his head thinking she's got a kind of mischievous look in her eyes "That's ok" she responds "but how do you feel about me being here, is it ok?" She looks at Loki with concern in her eyes. Loki nods while looking at her attentively "thank you love. He called me over" she pats him at his leg continuing with a spark of laughter in her eyes "we're going to have fun with him aren't we?" Loki raises his eyebrow as if expressing a question.

Loki and Tom Where stories live. Discover now