The Return... Part 28

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They woke the next morning, Addy still had this uneasy feeling in her, she didn't want Larissa to worry so she didn't mention it to her she got up and made Larissa's coffee and made herself a cup of tea, Larissa stretched herself out and got up out of bed they sat together on the sofa Addy laid her head on Larissa's lap "So what's the plan for today then my sweet" "I don't know my love, shall we head into Jericho and grab some breakfast" "Sounds wonderful I'm starving" they got themselves ready and headed down to the car, as they got to the lobby the door opened and Sheriff Galpin walked in "Good morning ladies" "Good morning Sheriff "Larissa said with a worried tone to her voice "Any news on Thornhill" Addy asked "Well that's why I'm here ladies, we had a sighting of her, from a neighbour of Thornhills they called us this morning, she had been seen at her home, she must have come home for something, we have been to the address and the home is empty, I just wanted to come over and tell you both face to face that she had been seen" Addy grabbed Larissa's hand and held it tight "Thank you Sheriff we appreciate you coming to see us know" "Not a problem Principle Weems, just be careful please Ladies, I will leave you to get on with your day" "Thank you Sheriff Galpin" Addy said as he walked out the door Larissa looked at Addy "Are you ok my love" "I'm fine Issa, I knew there was a reason for the feelings I've been having, I felt something this morning and I didn't want to worry you so I kept it to myself" Addy lowered her head as she felt bad for not telling Larissa what she felt this morning "Oh my love you done what you thought was right by not saying anything, I understand you didn't want to worry me, its ok" Larissa said calmly " Oh Issa lets go shall we" "Yes my dove, come on you will feel better once you have eaten"     

They waked into the Weathervane ordered their food and drinks and sat in the booth by the window, Larissa could tell Addy was uneasy, the way she watched out the window scanning the street and the people walking by "Its ok my dove, she's not here now "Larissa said putting her hand on Addy's "I know Issa, I'm just being paranoid, I hope they find her then all these uneasy feelings I have can be put to rest, I hate this feeling Issa its bad enough she tried to kill me, and now I'm constantly looking to see if she's stupid enough to try anything else" Addy was angry and her head started to hurt she held her head in her hands "Adaline, darling what's wrong, are you ok" "My head Issa its hurting so badly" "Right lets get you home baby" Larissa stood up and walked her to the car, Addy's head hurt so much that she sobbed all the way home. Larissa took her to her apartment and and laid her down down in bed she took some pain meds and Addy took them, she sat on the bed stroking her head until the pain went off and she fell asleep. Larissa was so angry that Thornhill had come back and angry that she had stressed her beloved out to the point that she was in pain she went into her office and paced up and down trying to calm her nerves, as she was pacing something caught her eye out of the window she walked over to the window and looked out she saw her stood there brazen as anything, Thornhill stood looking up at Larissa, Larissa's heart started to pound and her stomach was in knots Thornhill put her hand on her heart and pointed at Larissa , she pulled her pulled her phone out of her pocket and called the sheriff "She's here on the school grounds, I've just seen her" "Ok Principle Weems I'm on my way, we will search the school grounds and find her" he hung up Larissa couldn't believe what she had just seen she went to her drinks cupboard and poured her self a drink, she went back to Addy she was still sleeping, she didn't know if she should wake her and tell her what had just happened, she decided to leave her to sleep, a short time after her office door knocked "Come in" Sheriff Galpin walked in "Principle Weems, you need to tell me what you saw" Larissa sat down and told him everything Addy walked out of the bedroom, "What's going on" She asked "Ok Principle Weems I will carry on with the search and leave you both alone" "Thank you Sherriff" Larissa's voice shaking still "Come and sit with me Adaline" "Issa what's happened, are you ok" "I saw her my darling, she was stood watching me" "What, she was here , right I'm done waiting for the police to find her, I'm going to go and find her and deal with her myself" Addy jumped up and went to put her boots and hoodie on "No my dove, leave it to the police, you know first hand what she's capable of" "No Issa I'm going to find her and deal with her she's fucked my life up enough and now she's coming for you, its not happening my Love" she pulled her hoodie on over her head grabbed her phone kissed Larissa "I love You" she said and headed out of the office "Fuck Larissa Shouted she grabbed her coat and ran out of the office after Addy

Addy ran out to the front of the school where Larissa saw her she then headed towards the woods "She must be around here somewhere" she said to herself she walked through the woods, looking for any clues that she might have been there, she walked upon the old abandoned shed that her friend Xavier used to use for his painting, she walked up quietly to it and put her ear to the door, she couldn't hear anything inside, she didn't want to barge in in case she was in there, her phone was vibrating in her pocket she pulled it out it was Larissa calling her she let it ring off she saw 10 missed calls from her, she couldn't hear anything in there so she opened the door and walked in and looked around there had been someone in there the soda cans and food wrappers gave it away and tucked up in a corner was a sleeping bag she pulled her phone out and Called Larissa "Adaline where are you, you have had me worried sick" "I'm at Xavier's old shed, get Sheriff Galpin here, I think she's been here by what I can see ""Ok but darling please come out of there and wait outside for us" "I will Issa" Addy done as she said and waited for Larissa she was shaking she was so angry she pulled out a packet of cigarettes from her pocket and lit one she sat down on a nearby tree stump and smoked her cigarette, Larissa and the sheriff soon arrived Addy stood up Larissa threw her arms around her "Don't ever go off like that again, Do you understand me" Addy squeezed her tight "I wont Issa I'm sorry" "So Why do you think she's been here" Galpin asked "Take a look soda cans food wrappers and in the corner the sleeping bag, it makes sense to me, unless someone else has been sleeping here " Addy replied "Ok Ladies you best head back to the school we will look into this" Larissa took Addy's hand and led her away, they walked back to the school...                          

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