Chapter Nine

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Saoirse gazed out at the endless ocean, Her shadow silhouetted against the setting sun. She felt at peace, Watching how the light danced across the waves, As the wind gently blew against her hair.

She absentmindedly began collecting shells that were across the beach, Each one was unique with different shapes and colours, Sighing as she wished Fenton was with her.

It seemed to her lately that he was spending more and more time in the lab, Working with Dr Gearloose on a secret project that she was not allowed to see.

Saoirse soon spent most of her time at the beach, Using the free time with drawing on her sketchpad or just watching the waves go by but that didn't stop her from becoming bored of this new routine.

Currently, Saoirse was drawing in the sand, From swirls to even figures, She hadn't noticed someone standing beside her.

??: "Hi there!!"

Saoirse jumped from were she sat, Looking towards the sound of her voice, Noticing a girl with a pink bow in her hair and a purple skirt.

??: "Thats a cool drawing, I can't really draw hands because there really hard to draw but monsters and mythical creatures are my cup of tea, Why did I say that?, Hi I'm Webby!!"

Saoirse shakes her hand as she gives her the stick, Watching her as she grew what looked like a Egyptian god, Smiling at Webby as she talked about the adventure.

Webby: "And then we wrapped him up like a burrito!!, Oh..Wait!, I totally forgot about asking for your name!"

Saoirse takes the stick and began to write her name, Stopping as she put a full stop at the end of her name.

Webby: "Saoirse?, That's a pretty name!, Your name means freedom and why did I say it out loud?"

Saoirse laughed, Spending time with Webby as they collect shells together as she listened to Webby, Talking about having adventures with Scrooge Mcduck.

Fenton: "Saoirse!, Time to go!"

Saoirse nodded, Waving to Webby before running to Fenton as Webby yelled "Bye!" with Saoirse waving back as Fenton and her walked back home.

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz