Chapter Seven

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Late-Night Terror 

A dark and stormy night reminded Saoirse about that fateful night a masked robot duck crashed through her window. The robot made her feel safe in her old room, Distracting her from the thunder and lightning outside the window as he fixed up her old ceiling, Making her smile as he placed her onto the bed.

But now....she was terrified.

The storm shocked the Cabrera family in Duckberg as M'ma Cabrera needed to work graveyard shift that night. As she left for her patrol, M'ma Cabrera gave her a tight hug goodbye, Knowing that her son would be there to comfort her. 

Unexpectedly, The storm took a turn for the worse, Causing Saoirse to hide in her wardrobe, Building a makeshift fort using a few blanket, A few pillows and her lamp to make her feel a bit better with Eevee joining her, Curling up beside her.

She didn't leave the fort as Saoirse knew Fenton was fast asleep, Snoring away as the storm continued on its rampage on the city and didn't want to distrub him since he had worked hard at the lab all day.

Saoirse decided to pass the time, Feeling safe as she was sketching away which helped her only for a while until the thunder roared to life, Causing Saoirse to become petrified, Shaking as she brought the blanket close to her, Unaware of Eevee leaving her room and entered her father's room.

Fenton was snoring away when Eevee swatted him awake, Rubbing his eyes, Thinking it was just wondering around the house and sat up. He picked up the cat, Opening his daughter's room only to quietly gasp, Seeing the fort build in the wardrobe as Eevee jumped out of his arms, Walking into the fort.

Stepping closer to the hand-made fort, Kneeling down to see a shaking Saoirse gripping her blanket. Fenton wasted no time to lift her out of the wardrobe, Taking a few pillows out and held her against him as Saoirse gently gripped his shirt as another sound of thunder struck, Startling her again.

Fenton: "Shh, It's okay, Nothing bad is going to happen"

Saoirse looked up at him, Seeing Fenton smile down at her, Feeling safe in his arms as she smiled, Placing her head against his shoulder as he rubbed Saoirse's back in a effort to calm her down, Glancing down at her sketchpad.

Noticing Fenton staring at her sketchpad, Saoirse hides her face embarrassed as Fenton continues to look through her sketchpad. He stopped at a certain page, Amazed at seeing him as the metal duck on the page. 

Fenton chuckled, Setting the sketchpad down and set his daughter on his lap as lightning lit up the room with Saoirse tightly gripped him again, Shaking as he rubbed her back. Fenton looked down, Upset that he couldn't help her fear until he came up with a thought.

Fenton: "You know..I was scared of storms when I was your age, Frightened me so much that I would build a fort in the living room, Giving my m'ma a fright in the middle of the night that she thought I was an intruder"

Saoirse giggled, Fenton continued on with his story as she looked up at him, Not worrying about the thunder and lighting outside even though it flashed against the window.

Fenton: "I remember feeling so scared of my M'ma thinking I wasn't tough enough!, But then she comforted me and held me tight, M'ma told me that she also gets scared sometimes and that it was alright, From then on, I knew that being scared is just a part of me"

Saoirse looked up at him, Staring at him for a moment before smiling as Fenton hugged her back.

Fenton: "Never feel ashamed of being afraid, I will always be there to protect you"

She smiles, Letting out a small yawn as she started to fall asleep on Fenton's shoulder, Smiling as the rain settled down outside along with the thunder and lightning. Fenton looked down at her trying not to wake Saoirse up as he stayed up a little later than usual, Staring down at his daughter, He placed Saoirse back into bed but stayed beside her.

Fenton: "Buenas noches Mi niñita"

The Next Morning

Fenton awoke to a flash of light, Blinding him for a moment before he looked up to see M'ma Cabrera holding a camera, smiling down at him. He looked down, Smiling as his daughter rested on his chest as Fenton quietly moved Saoirse to the side, Tucking the covers over her and started to help his M'ma with breakfast as his daughter slept soundly as Eevee joined her, Cuddling up beside her.

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Where stories live. Discover now