Chapter Sixteen

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Cheering Up Gizmoduck...I mean Papá!!

As the sun slowly rose above the city of Duckberg, Saoirse was already up, Making Breakfast for her abuela, In a dash to leave early to visit her papá in the hospital. Since the first visit to the hospital, Saoirse made it her personal mission to keep up regularly scheduled visits in order to keep Fenton's spirit up.

Rain or shine, Saoirse always visited her father in the hospital, Sometimes with M'ma Cabrera, Sometimes by herself, Causing the nurses to lead the way each time. Fenton always seemed to brighten up the moment his daughter knocked politely on his hospital door, Smiling up and pulling herself up on the chair beside him.

She patiently waited for her abuela to wake up, Giving Eevee her breakfast as Saoirse greeted her as M'ma Cabrera looked surprise as she looked at the table, Filled with a selection of food as M'ma Cabrera sat down next to her, ruffling her hair as Saoirse picked at her breakfast, staring at the clock on the wall.

M'ma Cabrera: "Oh Pequeña, I know you're excited to visit your papá but it's far too early to see him yet, For now, Let's enjoy our breakfast and not focus on the time"

Saoirse nervously looks away, Eating some of her cereal as M'ma Cabrera couldn't help but chuckle, Giving her a kiss on the cheek as the two enjoyed the morning together. As the morning progressed, She kept glancing at the clock as it seemingly ticked slower by the second as Saoirse brushed Eevee over and over again.

She soon started to pack for the hospital, Bringing along her sketchpad and colouring pencils, creating drawings that would help cheer up her papá. Saoirse smiled up at her Abuela, Hugging her tightly as M'ma Cabrera kissed her forehead as the two of them made their way over to the hospital.


Saoirse waited patiently beside her abuela, Taking in the sights of the hospital, Hearing the nurses chattering away and the childish yelling happening in the waiting room. M'ma Cabrera took her hand and led Saoirse over to the lift, Picking her up so that she could press the button for the V.I.P suite that Fenton was in.

Once the lift doors opened, Saoirse and M'ma Cabrera walked through the empty hallway of the V.I.P floor. M'ma Cabrera kept a gentle grip on Saoirse's hand as they quietly entered the hospital room, Fenton's eyes lighting up as he noticed his daughter smiling at him.

Fenton was nearly healed with only a broken arm left as he only needed the doctor to look at it before he could be released from the hospital. M'ma Cabrera set her down as she took her seat beside her son and kept a close eye on Saoirse.

Fenton: "M'ma!, I wasn't expecting you this early"

M'ma Cabrera: "Oh it wasn't me, It was this little ángel over here who insisted of being right on time, Looks like she's learning a lot from you"

Fenton smiled at Saoirse, Shyly smiling back at him as he adjusted his position on the hospital bed, Allowing Saoirse onto the bed as she gave him a gentle hug, Aware of his broken arm. Throughout the day, M'ma Cabrera and Saoirse spent the day beside Fenton as she showed her father more of her drawings to cheer Fenton up.

The drawings varied from the Money Bin along with Manny and Lil Bulb as Fenton flicked through her sketchpad with Saoirse helping him along the way. M'ma Cabrera left the room, Taking a phone call from her work, Sorting out the issue fairly quick as she soon watched as the doctor went into her son's room.

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Where stories live. Discover now