Chapter Twelve

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Special Tears That Only A Father Can Fix!!

It was a productive morning in the Money Bin but the only sounds in the Money Bin came from Glomgold and Scrooge arguing with each other.

Saoirse, Gyro and Manny walked by the door, Paying no mind to the arguement in the meeting room, Helping him with the latest equipment paid for by Scrooge McDuck himself.

Glomgold slammed the doors opened, Not caring in the slightest if he damaged precious Scrooge's doors from his anger.

Manny kept a watchful eye as Glomgold kept making a scene making some employees stop what they were doing and just enjoyed the show.

He flung some papers from the desk, Angrily trying to rip them apart as they fluttered to the ground, Failing to do so made his blood pressure rise.

Glomgold let out another yell, Kicking plants out of there pots and jumped in the soil as Scrooge McDuck stepped out of the office and sighed at the sight.

Saoirse looked up at him before turning back to see Glomgold throwing random stuff from his drawers across the floor.

Glomgold: "Take that McDuck!! Where's your precious office supplies now!!!" *Maniacal laughter*

As Glomgold continued to flung office supplies throughout the Money Bin, Dr Gearloose and Scrooge walk over to him as Manny stood protectively beside Saoirse.

Scrooge and Glomgold continued to argue with both sides escalating until Glomgold decided to throw a stapler towards the richest duck in the world.

Except Scrooge quickly ducked and Gyro slightly dodged.

And Saoirse was thrown back by the sudden force of the stapler and hit the hard ground with a loud thud.

Manny quickly responded, Picking up the child as many of Scrooge's employees gasped as Security surrounded Glomgold as his protests filled the halls.


Fenton finally finished cleaning the lab, Carefully organising the supply closet hearing Manny rush through the lab.

He peeked out to see Saoirse covering her eyes as Manny placed her at Gyro's desk, Immediately rushing over as Manny walked past him, Grabbing something out of his sight and headed upstairs again.

Fenton heard little sobs from his daughter and wrapped his arms around her, Rubbing her back and trying to make her feel better.

He tried to see what the problem was but Saoirse didn't remove her hands away from her face. Fenton brought over a chair and sat down beside his daughter.

Fenton: "Mi niñita...please let me see what's wrong, I'm not going to hurt you"

Saoirse: "No, Soy un rarito cuando mis lágrimas muestran" *

Fenton felt bad for Saoirse, Being all alone in an orphanage with other children picking on her for being different from the stories Fenton heard from Mrs Cherrywood.

It made him think back when Fenton was her age, Designing blueprints that would help Duckberg for the better and receiving negative comments about it.

It would lead to his M'ma coming down and defending him in a heartbeat, Comforting him to follow his dream and always knew how to cheer him up.

Fenton held out his hand once Saoirse peeked through her hands, Looking at Fenton as he smiled warmly at her as she slowly removed her hands and faced him.

Speechless on what he was seeing, Fenton tried his best to seem normal as to not immediately panic his daughter. Saoirse's tears weren't falling down her cheeks but rather floating up like tiny bubbles in the ocean.

He looked down with a smile, Picking her up and held Saoirse close as Fenton brought her to the window, Placing a little plaster on her forehead before giving a little kiss on it.

Obviously, Fenton had several questions about her tears but it didn't matter at the moment. Right now Saoirse's happiness was the top priority as the two of them watched the marine life swim by the pair.

Fenton: "Mi niñita, I promise you are not a weirdo, In fact we can both be weirdos together"

Saoirse wiped her tears away as she laid her head on Fenton's shoulder, Tightly hugging her papá as Fenton looked down and smiled.


Chaos filled the hallway of the Money Bin as Manny stepped closer and closer to Glomgold, Shaking in a corner as he carelessly threw any money he had in his pocket to try and stop the horse.

Gyro and Scrooge tried to pull Manny away from him but struggled, Whilst Lil Bulb was cheering Manny on along with Louie and Dewey who were both recording the incident for later.

After a while Manny gave up throwing the chainsaw in the corner glaring menacingly at Glomgold. Manny turned around and apologising to Scrooge and Gyro as he head back down to the lab, hoping the child was feeling better.

*No, I'm a weirdo when my tears show*

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Where stories live. Discover now