Chapter Ten

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Beware The B.U.D.D.Y System!!

It was an exciting day in the laboratory for Gyro had just finished his 'Gearloose Monorail' hoping to impress Scrooge McDuck.

It ran entirely on sound and sent Fenton away, Keeping him busy by organising letters to prime digits whilst Gyro kept Saoirse next to him, Trusting her to be quiet more than her father.

Scrooge McDuck entered the lab, Stepping towards the train model, Fixing his glasses as he leaned in to the model.

Gyro: "Mr McDuck, Allow me to introduce the next mode of transport that will change the world as we know it!"

Scrooge: "A train Gyro?"

Gyro: *Chuckles* "To a mere citizen, It's just a train, But this is a special monorail that runs entirely on..."

Scrooge: "I hope it doesn't powered on Bulb tech, The board certainly wasn't happy the last time it was unleashed"

Gyro: "To which I apologised, I certainly won't be trusting the green nephew again"

Gyro sighed, Feeling a little tug of his shirt. He looked down, Relived when Saoirse delicately handed him the blueprints for the monorail.

Gyro: "Don't worry sir, I have put Bulb tech on the shelf until it's fully operational and won't turn evil at the drop of a hat"

Scrooge looked down, noticing Saoirse next to Gyro, staring up at him, He stepped past Gyro and stood in front of her.

Scrooge: "Gyro? Why is...Saoirse here during this presentation"

Gyro: "Mr McDuck, I assure you that Saoirse is safe in these conditions"

Saoirse smiled up at him, Holding out her hand as he shook it, Sensing that Saoirse reminded him of someone in his long past but he couldn't place his feathers on it.

He shook the thought as the moment was being interrupted by Launchpad and Dewey in the process.

Launchpad: "SURPRISE!!"

Gyro and Scrooge shush him as Dewey and Launchpad step towards them as Dr Gearloose continued to explain.

Gyro: "The Gearloose Monophonicrail converts aural input into kinetic propulsion"

Launchpad/Dewey: "Huh?"

Scrooge: "Sound-powered train"

Launchpad/Dewey: "Buh?"

Launchpad: "Ah sorry Mister McD but I thought you might want to hear.."

Gyro: "I don't want to hear anything, This sensitive prototype runs on noise, Observe"

Gyro hums as the train begins to move, impressing Scrooge as Saoirse and Dewey watched it go around the track.

Until her guardian entered the scene.

Fenton: "Illumination Dr Gearloose! Alphanumerical substitution!, The categorical organisation of letters to prime digits!"

Watching the train losing control, Saoirse pushes Dewey out of the way just in time as the train crashed through the window, Allowing water to enter the lab.

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Where stories live. Discover now