Chapter Eight

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A Day With A Pilot/Driver/Crasher!!

The day started out like any other day in the Money Bin.

With a crash coming from the car park.

Dr Gearloose was sent to try and fix the car, bringing along intern and Saoirse, He didn't trust Fenton to be more than 5 minutes alone without touching his stuff.

When the trio arrived at the car park, Flames were surrounding the car, causing one of the tires to roll past them, Rolling across the bridge and into the city, Screams of terror reaching them.

Saoirse was held by Fenton, Not wanting to set her down as the flames slowly spread around the car park before the driver of the limo managed to use the fire extinguisher after pointing it the wrong way.

Gyro sighed, Walking over to the driver as Fenton quickly followed after him, Placing Saoirse on the ground once he deemed it safe for her as the driver awkwardly patted out the fire on his shoulder, Glancing at the trio.

Launchpad: "Sorry Dr G, Had a little problem with the brake lights, Naturally I reversed back to check them and thankfully they are okay!!"

Gyro: *Sigh* "Of course you did, Alright let's see what the damage is this time!"

Saoirse noticed a bobble-head laying on the ground and went to pick it up, Examining it as she noticed the figure wearing a large hat before stepping slowly towards the driver.

Launchpad: "My Darkwing Duck Bobble-Head!!!, I thought he was lost to the flames forever!!!"

Saoirse places it in his hand as the driver presses the head hearing the figure talk as Saoirse went back towards Fenton, Hiding behind his leg.

Launchpad: "Aww, No need to be scared I'm Launchpad and I'm everyone's friend!"

Saoirse looked up at Fenton, Receiving a smile from him as Gyro prepared to fix the limo again for the fifth time this week.

Fenton: "It's okay Saoirse, This is Launchpad McQuack, he's a driver for Mr McDuck himself"

Gyro: "Intern!, Stop babbling and go help Manny with the toolbox I left upstairs!"

Fenton: "Sure thing Dr Gearloose!!, Saoirse you stay here until I come back!"

Gyro: "Oh no!, this is gonna take me all day to fix so....*To himself* I can't believe I'm saying this...Hand her over to Launchpad McCrash!"

Saoirse kept close to Fenton as Launchpad kneels down to her height as she slightly moved closer to him.

Launchpad holds out his hand for her to take, With a little reassuring from Fenton took his hand and smiled at Launchpad.

Gyro: "Keep a close eye on her and if anything happens to the child I will hold you personally responsible, is that clear!?"

Launchpad: "Awe sure thing Dr G!"

Gyro: "Please don't call me that"

Launchpad: "Yes sir Dr G!"

Launchpad picks up Saoirse as the pair walk away with Manny approached Gyro, Holding a toolbox as Fenton braced himself for a long day of work ahead of him but waves back at Saoirse as the pair walk into the city.

Amhrán Na Farraige (Ducktales 2017)Where stories live. Discover now