Chapter 19: A difficult time

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Hey guys so vote 4 won yippee so I'm using that idea and if anyone's wondering about that little test I gave you guys no one got a perfect score because no one guessed my nationality I'm black 😂 and from Detroit so yeah enjoy Chapter 19 guys Otaku Princess out ^^
"So.... You know uh?" Eren said seriously looking down.
"Yeah and I was wondering why. She's 19 and your only a teenager. And she doesn't seem like your type so why?"
"Because she's the reason I'm the person I am today." Eren saw a glisten in Levi's eyes.
"When Wall Maria was attacked and we had to evacuate on the ships. (Y/N) talked to me snapping me back into reality and making me realize my true anger and hatred for the titans. She's why I'm like this and why I want to kill the titans. And she's the one I have to thank for that, that's why I love her because she made me." Levi signed and stood up.
"Stupid brat, she didn't make you. A person can't shape you, only you can. All a person can do is give you a push, it's your decision on whether to take it or not."
"That's bullshit!"
"That's what you think, but my word is nothing but the truth. She just happened to push you and you just happened to take it, nothing more nothing less." Levi combed his fingers through his hair and walked towards the door.
"You know she doesn't love you right?"
"Yeah I know what's your point." Eren said angrily.
"Well what's the point of trying to win the prize after it's already been won. It's pointless to try and win (Y/N)'s heart, we're getting married and that's that. Why don't you stop focusing on a girl that doesn't love and focus on someone who does."
"Uh?" Eren raised a brow.
"I'm talking about Ackerman. She's the one you should be with she's sacrifice her life for you, that's the kind of girl you need instead of (Y/N)."
"What?!" Eren started to blush.
"You know you're pretty damn stupid if you're the only one who hasn't noticed. Go be with her I promise you'll find your happiness and love then." With that being said a Levi walked out the door.
"Yeah, the only thing is he doesn't know it wouldn't work out, Mikasa rejected me." Eren said leaning back.

(Meanwhile... what's been going on between the 3 of you outside.)

"Oh Mikasa I was wondering how you and Eren's relationship is going?"
Mikasa blushed a bit and her eyes got questionably big.
"Mikasa I didn't know you and Eren were dating." Armin said looking at her.
"W-what are you talking about I'm not dating Eren." She stuttered.
"What? I thought he asked you out."
"He did but... Well you see..."


Eren ran to Mikasa's cabin. When he was almost there he saw her walking out the door and caught up to her panting.
"Yeah Eren?"
"So uh Mikasa.... I was wondering if you uh..."
"What?" He grabbed Mikasa's hands and looked straight into her eyes.
"Mikasa, will you be my girlfriend?" She was speechless for a second but then spoke up.
"Oh Eren ye-" Annnnnddd he threw up on her shoes.

*Flashback ended*

You and Armin give her an awkward look and Armin places his hand on Mikasa's shoulder and so did you.
"Oh Mikasa it's ok, I'm sure he was just nervous so he vomited." Armin said.
"Yeah that proves how much he likes you." Mikasa turned to you with a scary
look in her eyes.
"How does vomiting on someone's shoes showing how much they like you." You started to get nervous and shake.
"Uh... well like Armin said he was probably just nervous I mean you are very attractive." Mikasa pulled her scarf over her mouth.
"Or maybe I'm just intimidating."
"No no Mikasa, your not your just normal."
"Yeah I agree with Armin."
"Yeah whatever." She looked down and you heard the door open, it was Levi.
"Hey sweetie." You kissed Levi on the cheek.
"Hey, I think it's about time you guys get back to your cabins I wanna be alone with (Y/N), go get Jaeger in there."
"Hey Eren we're leaving!" Yelled Armin.
"Ok coming!" Eren came running out of you and Levi's cabin. Armin and Mikasa gave you a hug. Finally it came time for Eren to give you one, he hugged you tightly and whispered something in your ear, but it was hard to out. Then all three of them left.
"Hey (Y/N), I don't want a big fancy wedding it's too much work and it may make me look like a softy and soil my reputation, it would be easier just to get the papers signed and be on our way." He said while you tell we're laying in bed getting ready to turn off the lights and go to sleep.
"Uh sure if you want to I don't mind, but where is this coming all of a sudden?" Levi rubbed HUS head and signed.
"Nowhere just what I wanted to do, goodnight (Y/N)." His says giving you a goodnight kiss on the lips and turning the lights off.
You laid there trying to figure out what Eren said to you earlier, then it suddenly came to you he said:
"Meet me at my cabin tomorrow at 3."

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