Chapter 30: Baby Troubles

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I'm deciding to make this a sorta funny chapter because I really don't know where my life is going with this right now enjoy. ~ Otaku Princess ^^ 💕
You were now two months pregnant and lost. Being the only person you know that's pregnant and/or had kids you didn't know how to deal with all of the things that goes along with motherhood the only person you thought that could help you out with this was good ol' Zoe Hanji.
"Thanks for coming (Y/N), you came to the right gal." (or guy they never officially gave her a gender but I think Hanji is a girl.)
"Really... I only came to you because your the closest thing to a female doctor. It seems like all the doctors are make around here and I refuse to let a male doctor to examine me while pregnant."
"But I'm a scientist..."
"I know you are, I'd rather have a crazy lunatic female scientist examine me then a normal male doctor.
"You really need to straighten out your morals you know that."
"Just get on with it Hanji."
"Get on with what I don't even know why you're here."
"I need to know why am so addicted to ice that's all I eat all day. I can't remember the last time I've had an actual meal but ice is so good to me.... hey you got any ice."
"So you've complained about craving ice, swollen feet, mood swings, and you haven't had your period since you've gotten pregnant."
"Yup." You said while crunching on a small bowl of ice cubes.
"And you think these are signs that three something wrong with your baby."
"Yeah I mean if something bad happens to the mother isn't something bad going to happen to the baby?"
"........Can you look out that window for me?"
"Sure." You turned you head to lookout the window where it was broad daylight.
"Ok now turn back around." Halfway through turning around Hanji slapped you making you head turn further than it's ever turned before.
"Now I'm giving five seconds to fix you face before I fix it for you." You had the most dumbfounded look ok you face but you quickly fixed it straight as she said.
"Ok before I say anything I just want to let you know, you have got to be the dumbest pregnant women I know didn't your parents ever teach you anything about pregnancy or babies I mean they didn't die till you were like 14 right?"
"Yeah but my parents wanted me to live a free pure life they never told me about that stuff." Hanji sighed.
"You're hopeless you know that, well first craving things like ice is perfectly normal most pregnant women get them. And your feet swelling is normal to many pregnant women get them for a few months. Mood swings are common too but can be prevented, if you want to prevent them take a 10 minute walk everyday. And your period," Hanji sighed. "you don't have a period while pregnant dumbass, your fine and your baby is fine."
"Ah, that's such a relief thanks Hanji!"
"So you didn't know any of that, are you serious, Eren and I are only 15 and we even know about that." Said Mikasa.
"Nope, didn't know a thing I thought there was something wrong with us." You said rubbing your stomach.
"Wow you really are a dumbass like Hanji said." Said Eren.
"You guys are mean... where's Uncle M
Armin at anyways I thought he would be up here messing with my stomach as usual."
"We don't know last time we saw him he was-" Eren was interrupted by a oh so familiar voice.
"(Y/N)!" Everyone in the room turned there head to see Armin running towards you with his arms wide open seeming that he wants to hug you. You open your arms wide for him to hug you but instead he got down on one knee and hugged your stomach.
"(Y/N) I was wondering where you and my future niece/nephew were. Don't scare me like that."
"You know you could try and pay some attention to me and not just my stomach. It's a bit rude you know."
"But I need to talk to it so it'll know who I am."
"The baby's ear should be developing now so it should be able to hear outside sound, so who know it might just know who you are." Mikasa said.
"Ah that's great, oh by the way guys I found this strange piece of paper with some kind of strange made up gibberish writing. I can't make out what it says." Armin days bulling out the piece of paper and looking at it.
"Let me see it." Mikasa took the paper and turned it upside down.
"This is Japanese Katakana and written a bit sloppy."
"Can you make it out what does it say?" Eren asked. Mikasa had the most horrific look on her face and read it.
"Rock scissors paper
Rock scissors paper
What shall we make
What shall we make
Dick in my right hand
Pussy in my left hand
Sex, sex"
"What does this mean?" Armin asked.
"I don't know." The three of you said in unison while face palming.
"Maybe it's a sign of (Y/N) kids she might have twins. A boy on the right and a girl on the left...and then maybe the twins will-" You interrupted Armin
"It's been a long ass day I'm going home." You said walking out the door avoiding any further talk of this.
Ok so idk how many of you know this but in one of the recent AOT manga there was a hidden sex joke on on of the pages which Armin was holding a page with writing that look made up but if you flipped it upside down then it was written in a sloppy manner in Japanese Katakana, though it wasn't hard to make out. And the translation for most of it is in the story where Mikasa was reading that page. The rest of what the page said in the manga was "Raw wheat, raw rice, raw egg
Sex festival, he ho, he ho." if your wondering it's in chapter 57 of the manga. So now you guys understand that joke. Bye bye! ~ Otaku Princess ^^ 💕

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