Import announcements: End of story? One shot books?

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Hello lovelies so this book has been going on a pretty good run for the past year and a half but I'm most likely gonna end it by chapter 50 just to let you all know. Secondly since the book will be ending in the next few chapters I've decided to start working on a new book that will take less time to write so you guys can have quicker updates. A one shot book people. I've always wanted to do them since thats pretty much what 80% of my library is filled with. So I'm gonna need all of your guys help because idk what kind of one shot book it should be. I want the book to involve only one anime and I've come up with the 4 that I will be intrested in writing and you will all be allowed to request whatever type of one shot you want it to be and I'lleven give you credit for the idea (and lemons are always welcomed to be requested I'm a pervert so I love lemons). Now the four one shot books I will be intrested writing are:

Kuroko no Basuke




I would like you all to tell me which one of the four should I write your votes will be closed in two weeks and whichever has the most votes is the one I will be writing and the a few days after its confirmed I'll began taking request so please please PLEASE vote for which one I should write in the comments. Thank you all~ Otaku Princess ^^💕

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