Chapter 34: Starting a Family

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Baby Maya was 2 weeks old now. She's very well behaved baby but, what else would you expect from from the daughter of Humanity's strongest soldier. She never cries unless shes hungry or in need of a diaper change and she's already a daddy's girl. Every time she's in need of something Levi is the one up and at it.

You woke up at 4 a.m. to the sound of her fussing. You rolled out of bed which felt painful because you still have yet another baby on the way coming any day now. You walked over to her bassinet, picked her up, and took her to your bed. You pulled down your grown and attempted to feed her from your swollen breasts but, she just wouldn't latch on, she kept trying to push your right breast away.

"C'mon sweet pea, you barely ever wanna eat and its making my boobs swell," You start to cry from frustration. "please latch on....".

Your Husband awoke at the sound of your sobs.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm tired baby, I'm tired of trying to be a mother when my own child keeps pushing me away for you. It's like all I am is a walking pair of boobs to her...' You say handing Maya to Levi.

"Trust me (Y/N), your her mom, she's going to need you for a lot of things in life, she just doesn't realize it yet." You show a smile of relief and look at the thin strains of hair on your baby's head.

"She has your raven lack hair babe," You examine your child's whole face. "she even has your eyes..."

"Yeah she may look like me but, i can already tell she'll be just like her mom once she starts developing a personality. Your free spirit and my strong will and strength." He says smiling at you.

"Oh my, sounds like she'll be a handful." You said jokingly then stared at your husband. "Levi I'm gonna have this baby any day now and when i do... I want Maya to name it.


Just a quick short cNext chapter we'll get to meet the next twin btw don't give me your name suggestions because I've already decided (bitchiness intensified) welp I'm gonna go to bed in a half in hour or so i got classes tomorrow and work to do Otaku Princess out! ^^ <3

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