Chapter 27: Baby

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Since your weakest area in training was hand to hand combat, you and Mikasa had planned to work on your combat skills in the field today, but you didn't show up. So Eren decided to go by your place to see why you didn't show up for it. They were out there waiting for hours until it began to rain. Eren knocked on your door and even yelled your name, but no response. since it was still raining outside Eren decided to let himself in.
"(Y/N)! It's Eren, Mikasa said she was wondering why you didn't show up to the field for your combat training! She was standing out there for...." Eren stopped when he heard noises from your room.
"(Y/N) are you o- OH DEAR GOD!!!" Eren covered his eyes and ran out of the cabin into the rain.
You and Levi were motionless Eren caught you guys in the middle of having sex. You were on top of Levi completely naked and sweaty and started blushing like crazy.
"Uh, I should probably go after him." You got off of Levi and and changed into a red blouse, brown pants, and put your scouts hoodie over you.
"What's the point, it's not like he didn't know what was going on." Levi said rubbing his head.
"Still I should apologize to him, he didn't need to see that and besides, it's my fault for not locking the door." With the you walked out. " As soon as you opened the door you saw Eren standing against the wall, face completely red.
"S-sorry for walking in I shouldn't have just walked in like that." Eren said looking down.
"No... it's my fault, I should of locked the door." You have him a sincere smile and suddenly gasp remembering what you were suppose to do today. "Oh my gosh I wasn't suppose to meet Mikasa for training, is that why you're here?"
"Yeah I wanted to see why you didn't show up we were worried." You started to blush.
"Ugh, I'm such a scatter brain. I'm sorry Eren."
"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to. Mikasa was out there for hours waiting to help you, but while she sacrificed her sweet time for you, you were in there fucking your brains out with Levi." You held your head down in shame, feeling bad for doing that to her. "Come to think of it you probably wouldn't need all this extra training if you would show up to all your normal training routines. You know, your sex life is getting in the way of your duties, how do you ever expect to get to where you need to be if-"
"We've been trying to have another baby alright!" You yelled out. You faced started to become wet with tears, not to mention the rest of your clothes were soaked at this point.
"But (Y/N), why would you-"
"I just want one ok, I promised myself once I find my dream man we would get married and have out baby, but nothing's happened yet, and we've been trying for almost a month now." You started to sobbing, cupping your face with your hands.
"But (Y/N), I thought you wanted to be a Scout more than anything to make your parents proud." He grasped your hand. "I hate to break it to you but, you can't have a baby and be a scout at the same time. The would be way too much on you plate and something is going to have to give." He grasped your hand tighter.
"But I don't understand, why can't I have both. I just want to to make my parents proud and have something to call my own, is that so much to ask." You broke down hugging Eren, rubbing your face in his wet hair.
"I hate this world, just when everything in my life was going right it suddenly all fell apart. I've been trying to juggle this two-sided life but nothing been going right, I'm falling back in Scout training plus I can't even get pregnant. What's going on with my life I don't know what to do." You started to sob more when Eren spoke up.
"Well... did you ever think that joining the Scouts isn't what you parents wanted for you?" Your eyes shot open and you looked at Eren.
"I don't understand, what do you mean? I thought this is what my parents would have wanted, for me to become a soldier and protect the walls, what could have made them more proud than this?"
"Maybe your parents didn't want you to join the Scouts maybe they would be proud just seeing you live a happy, normal life." You started to wipe away your tears.
"But what about you Eren? Your parents didn't want you to join the Scouts either."
"I know and even though they didn't, they really didn't have a plan for anything for me to do in life to make them proud so, I kind of have to paint my own path for that but, your parents had it planned out for you in the start. And be honest with me are you really that happy being in the Scout Regiment anyways?" You solemnly shook your head "no".
"Well then maybe your ticket to a happy life is having your own baby. If I were you I would leave the Scouts and go live live the way you want to instead of how you think you want to live it." You knew Eren's words were true, so right then and there you decided even with all the terror and the destruction in the world you would still live your like the way you want to live it and nothing would stand in your way.
"Ok Eren it's settled then, I'm living my life the way I choose to." You have Eren a big hug thanks your showing me the way. I promise your words will not go to waste." Eren softly lied at you.
"Anything for my best friend."
Ok I am tired as hell I was out all day and I just got home and wrote this I hope you all enjoy because after I publish this I'm putting in my headphones and falling asleep goodnight my lovelies Otaku Princess out! ✌️

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