Chapter 38: Wall Sina

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You wake up sore all over, especially from the waist down. Everythi6nh you did last night with Levi was... magical. You haven't felt so many sparks fly since the day he asked to marry you- no these sparks were even better.

You turn to look at your sleeping husband thinking "I've never been so in love with him than I am now". He turns towards you and opens his eyes.

"Morning gorgeous..." he says sitting up and stretching.

"Morning babe, I dont think I'll be able to walk after last night; we did damn there 7 times, I thought you would never run out." You said then kissed him on the cheek.

"Yeah I was surprised you hung in there damn you can take it." He said rubbing your thigh.

"How could I not take it and be married to you?"

"Heh, well I hope you'll be able to take some more of it tonight."

"Hm, what do you mean tonight? We're leaving at 3."

"Well you see, I made a few arrangements before we left home.... surprise we're staying until tomorrow."

"Seriously!? Does Hanji know about this?"

"Of course she does she was in on the whole thing."

"I wonder how she's doing with the twins?"

"Whatever she's doing with them I  know they're fine, she's crazy but still trustworthy."

"So.... what are we gonna do for the rest of the day, Mr. Ackerman?"

"Well... I was thinking we could go into town, take a little tour, probably have some lunch."

"Oh that sounds great because I am starving after what we did last night." You said climbing out of bed and going to put some clothes on. Levi whistled staring at your behind.

"Nice ass." You turned and blushed at him, giving him a little wink.

*An hour later*

You two took a carriage into one of the many towns in Wall Sina. You and Levi decided to dress casual. Levi weating brown pants and a white collared shirt, and you in a white dress with a blue blazer. This little town seemed perfect. You looked around seeing little kids playing in the streets, merchants selling fancy thing you could never afford, and a bright blue sky with no clouds with a slight breeze and fresh crisp smell in the air. You and Levi decided to take a walk and look around the place.

"Everything is so different here..." You said brushing a lock of your hair behind your ear.

"How so?" Levi asked.

"People are happy here," you said looking down. "people here don't have to worty about theives or getting beat up or wondering where you next meal is coming from."

"Yeah it's a lot different from where I come from too..." (btw only ppl who have seen the Levi OVA will get this next part)

"I know sweetie, I can't imagine living underground where there's no sunlight. Seeing the sun was pretty much the onky thing I had to live for back then..." You started twittling your fingers in sadness. "Shinganshina was one of the poorest districts in all of Wall Maria considering it was towards the south closest to the Titans. I didn't really have any friends and I would mostly help out my parents instead of playing outside."

"Well what did your parents do?" Levi asked.

"Well my mom was a seamstress who sewed uniforms for the Garrison Regiment and my dad delivered cargo to the Military Police so, I guess you can kind of say I've always been associated with the regiments to a certain extent, and sincemy mom worked for the Garrison Regiment and my dad worked for the Military Police, it was kind of my destiny to join the Scout Regiment to continue on our family's contributions to the Regiments. Being me I thought "Why not take it a step further and be an actual soldier?". I had already planned to be a Scout but... then the breech of Wall Maria happened.... and in my heart I felt like I had no choice but to join the Scouts to avenge my parents." You laughed a little bit. "Sort of like Eren I guess you can say."

Levi x reader: lemon: breaking wallsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora