Chapter 4 - A Heist

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Four years later

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Four years later.

I quietly step into the room and my eyes become glued to the big glass box across the long room, only a few feet away from me.

I carefully scan the room with my eyes, and I notice the rest of the glass boxes around the room. Each one has a unique and shiny diamond necklace on it.

I fall in love.

Originally, I was going to take the one all the way at the end of the room. It's the most expensive and most valuable. It is sitting there staring at me like a queen on her throne. It's basically demanding that I take it and that is exactly what I will do.

I'm taking them all.

With the keys I had stolen a few hours ago, I go on to open the first glass box that is closest to me. I stare back at the twinkling red diamonds in front of me. They're absolutely gorgeous. They'll look even better in my hands or around my neck.

I gently take them in my hands as if I were holding a baby and I gently put the necklace into my small bag. I then proceed to the next one which is just as beautiful, but different and pink. Mama would have definitely loved this one. I feel like I'm in heaven being in this place. I'm doing it all in my parents' honor. I'm sure they're proudly watching me from heaven. I'm accomplishing what they couldn't all those years ago.

I take the rest as fast as I can because this needs to be quick and I have to get out of here. I'll have plenty of time to admire them when I'm home safe.

I finally get to the beauty that has been waiting for me since the moment I stepped into the building. I open its glass door and gently take it off of the mannequin. I almost tear up at how beautiful and shiny it is. A sigh escapes me at its breathless beauty, and I lightly smile to myself before putting it on.

I place it near my neck, and I look at how nice it looks on me through the reflection of the glass box it used to live in. I look amazing.

I lightly laugh to myself at my accomplishment just as I hear sirens. I roll my eyes at the stupid idiots as I gently put the necklace into my bag. I proceed to walk back out the room and toward my route to leave the auction house.

In just a short amount of time, I have made it two streets down from the crime scene without anyone noticing or seeing me. It's as if it was a ghost that was stealing and not an actual person. It's almost as if the jewelry just decided to disappear into thin air.

I get into my car and immediately make my way home calm and relaxed at my accomplishment with a soft smile displayed on my face that is impossible to make go away.

When I get home, the first thing I do is check on my brothers to make sure they are fine and still sound asleep. After I've done that, I go down to the living room and turn on the tv, ready to watch my favorite show which is people going crazy over me.

The tv lights up the room and I sit down on the couch, placing my small bag of diamonds on the coffee table and taking my jacket off.

Breaking News!

After a failed attempt four years ago that ended in death, The Diamond District has been successfully broken into. Cops got notified by an unknown caller of the break in, but at arrival the thief was gone along with every diamond necklace in the store. Millions were stolen and no one knows where they have gone.

I smile widely and quietly give myself a round of applause.

I was the one who called the police and the biggest news station in the city on myself.

I wanted my biggest accomplishment to be very known. I also did it to avenge the death of my parents. I'm slowly making it so that this huge jewelry heist all leads to Boris Gusev and only him. I have a few things planned to get that disgusting piece of shit in prison one way or another.

Apart from this being my way of avenging my parents, it's also a form of revenge for what he did to me. I break my own heart thinking of that night and how young I was. I was barely twenty, so it means that it wasn't that long when I was only still a teenager. He's a few years older so he was a grown ass man, and it only disgusts me more.

My thoughts are interrupted by my cell phone on the couch beside me. Morelia's name displays on the screen, and I immediately grab it to answer.

"Morelia, is everything okay?" I question when realizing how late at night it is and she never calls at this time.

"I got Alina back." Her words genuinely shock me, and I feel myself begin to become emotional instantly at the sudden news.

"Don't play with me right now. Oh my god." I slightly laugh out of happiness for her.

"She's sleeping right beside me, and I can't sleep because I can't believe it. She looks like an angel, and it all feels so unreal, Katya." She whispers, and the contentment in her voice is so clear.

She has been looking for her for almost a year. Morelia has been through a lot before, during, and after finally finding her. I hope this means she will be okay now and happy again. I'm sure her life will change more now and in amazing ways.

"I'm so happy for you." I express and she thanks me before becoming serious.

"I see you're having a good night too." Her statement makes me smile hard.

"I am." I respond looking at the tv where their first suspect is The Thief also known as The Night Thief.

Such stupid names.

"I'm proud of you." Her words immediately remind me of my parents, and I take them as if they were speaking to me through her.

"Thank you." I sincerely respond.

"I also want to tell you now that Gianna was shot and is in the hospital." That took a big turn quickly.

"What?" I ask not being able to get that through my head. "Is she okay?"

"She'll be fine. She was taken to the hospital in time, and the surgery went well. I was just informed that she is okay." Her instant response helps me calm back down because I was about to begin panicking. Gianna means so much to me and I don't know if I would be able to take it if I were to lose her now.

"I'm glad." I sigh in relief.

"I'm visiting her tomorrow in the morning with Alina. Do you want to meet up before for breakfast and then go together?"

"Yes, I also want to take the opportunity to meet my niece." I may not be related to Morelia or Gianna, but they feel as if they were my sisters. I'll eternally be grateful for meeting them and having them in my life.

I met Gianna about two years ago at some sort of mafia event that she accompanied her father to. We spent the evening talking, having a few drinks, and me teaching her the basics of stealing. I gave her my number and ever since then we've been friends.

We both then met Morelia outside of Gianna's house when she was leaving from having a meeting with Dario. We talked for a few minutes and became friends since then too.

"Great, I'll let you rest now. Congratulations on the heist."

"Thank you, I'll see you in the morning."


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