Chapter 29 - An Engagement Party

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The bracelet has a tracker

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The bracelet has a tracker.

I know my jewelry and it was very easy for me to tell. I don't mind and don't care to be honest. It's not surprising because he was already watching me just physically.

I'm at a cafe now anxiously waiting for Boris again. Yesterday I spent the day crying while feeling like a horrible person for all the lies I have told Amado. I feel like shit but there is no going back now.

Someone suddenly takes a seat on the chair in front of me and I force myself to look at him. I really can't stand it and it makes me feel sick every time.

"Glad you could make it." He is angry at something and it's very clear from the expression on his face and tone of voice.

"I now understand why it's so difficult for you to make such a simple decision." Boris states with a small glare in his eyes.

I only stare at him waiting for him to go on. I really don't want to be here.

"That dirty fucking fed wants to take you from me." His words cause my heart to drop.

"I saw you go into his apartment, and I've seen the kisses you have given each other." His eyes have watered up from the rage he seems to be feeling.

I need this thing that is apparently a man away from me.

"You know the deal and I suggest you accept if you don't want your family's lives in danger." His pissed off and angry stare reminds me of the one from that night.

It tells me that his words are promises and not really threats.

"I'll marry you." The words feel so wrong.

His attitude immediately changes. His face and whole body relaxes as a smile forms on his face.

"Smart girl."

"I'll do it the moment you return the jewelry, and my aunt is free." My tone and face are serious even if I feel like I'm burning inside.

"You have my word. I won't hurt anyone as long as you are mine and as long as you're obedient to me." He expresses and I nod in agreement.

I feel like I'm dying inside.

"I am also hoping that you will stop seeing that officer unless you want him behind bars or dead." That triggers me.

Just the thought of him also hurting Amado makes me want to die.

I immediately stand from my seat getting ready to leave. I guess I should enjoy the time I have left where my life and space won't be consumed by him.

"There will be nothing between me or anyone as long as I am married to you." I assure him and I see the satisfaction my words bring him.

"You have a deal and I really hope you fulfill your part of it." With that I leave immediately.

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