Chapter 6 - A Goddess

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I spray cologne on before looking into the mirror and at myself once more

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I spray cologne on before looking into the mirror and at myself once more.

I fix my tie a bit and then decide to finally leave now. I make sure to put a gun in my waistband because I don't know what could happen and everyone that will be there is surely a criminal.

It's the wedding of the Russian mob boss and the daughter of the Italian mob boss. Two very powerful people. The person who was trying to kill them is dead now, but you still never know what could happen.

I'm usually not the type to attend these sorts of things because I find them boring and a waste of time. I didn't even attend my own cousin's wedding and she's like a sister to me. At that time, I actually had some shit to take care of, but I feel that if I was there, I could have prevented a few things from happening.

Gianna and Leonid are good people and I guess I can sort of refer to them as friends. I've known them for long enough to like them and apart from that they pay me good when they need favors so the least, I can do is show up to their wedding.

I'm about to get into my car when I feel someone stare at me. It is a familiar stare that I am quite tired of. I look up to see a familiar face.

"Good afternoon." The woman with short blonde hair and bright red lips smiles at me.

"Good afternoon." I respond only because I'm not a dick.

I know what her intentions are very well because she straight up told me to my face. She wants to fuck me and wants me to be her little side bitch. She's married to some rich guy who also lives in these apartment buildings but apparently it seems that he doesn't have time for her.

I look away from her and get into my car. I start it and leave the place all while she stands there watching me.

Don't get me wrong, she isn't ugly, but I'm not a disgusting fuck who is going to go and sleep with a married woman. My parents raised me better than that. I have values and I respect myself as well as others. Apart from that, I also hate any sort of lying.

I've made it clear to her that nothing will ever happen between us, and I politely asked her to leave me alone. It's like my words go in through one ear and leave through the other. She can easily get someone else to fulfill her desires, but she just keeps insisting with me.

I would really hate to go and personally knock on her door and have a seat with her husband and discuss with him his wife's behavior. I'm sure it would be embarrassing, and it would cause a lot of problems.

Minutes later, I pull into the parking area where Gianna and Leonid will be getting married. It's a huge cathedral and honestly very beautiful. My mama and aunt would probably never shut up about this place if they would have come.

Morelia and I made sure that they weren't invited. They don't know about us being involved with the mafia and working with them. Well, Morelia just recently quit because she wants to be a full-time mom now. I'm still the same fucker pretending to be an innocent and perfect police agent while committing crimes and helping commit them.

I step out the car and follow the many people walking toward the huge entrance of the cathedral.

Just as I am about to enter, I see Nikolai and Vladimir approaching me from the side. I try to walk in ahead of them but they're too fast and they stop me.

"Don't try to run from us." Vladimir says with a small smirk, and I ignore them, walking in.

"We're sitting together so there really isn't a point." Nikolai tells me from behind and I don't respond because someone else completely captivates my attention.

The goddess looking woman from a month or two ago that was leaving the hospital Gianna and Akim were at.

She looks so stunning and so beautiful in the silk dark brown gown she is wearing. It was made just for her by the way that it hugs her body perfectly in all the right places. She's so damn beautiful.

She's sitting a row behind Morelia, Akim, and my niece. She seems to be accompanied by two teenage boys.

Just as I get to the bench that I'll be seated on, I notice the perfect view that I get of her. I just have to not make it so obvious that I'm staring because the two fuck heads are seated right in front of me unfortunately.


I've never seen a person so beautiful.

My eyes seem to be stuck on her as if she has put some sort of spell on me. There's just something about her that makes it impossible for me to not stare. I can't even force myself to stop.

She has a beautiful smile that compliments her already beautiful face.

I saw it a little bit during the ceremony as she watched Gianna walk down the aisle. I'm seeing it now that she's laughing and smiling hard while filming the two teenage boys on her phone as they dance in front of her.

I'm sure her laugh is also a beautiful thing to listen to. The loud Italian music playing is what is sadly stopping me from hearing her.

I've observed that she knows Morelia. They seem close and even shared a table when arriving to the venue.

Deep down I'm hoping that I'll be able to see her again after today.

She hasn't noticed me or felt my stare. I'm glad about it because I don't know what would happen if she did. I also don't know how I would react if I were to actually make eye contact with her.

I don't know what is wrong with me or why I'm reacting this way toward someone. I'm not sure if this could become worse if I were to actually interact with her.

I've never felt this weird pull toward someone and I'm not going to let a random woman that doesn't even know of my existence change me. I don't have anything against relationships or that stuff, but I've never really found myself in a place to want something.

I only keep to myself and do my job while occasionally traveling since it is a part of it sometimes.

I'm pretty sure that a stranger that I find to be mesmerizingly beautiful isn't my future wife.


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