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Namjoon took a few minutes to wake up, slowly blinking his eyes open as his vision gradually became less blurry and more focused.

All at once, he remembered where he was and panicked, sitting up as much as he could in the small cage- nearly hitting his head on the roof. He felt something soft and fluffy under him, and he was confused when he looked down to see a blanket. Some pillows had been stuffed in the cage as well and Namjoon wondered if Yoongi had done that. He hoped the boy hadn't gotten in trouble for his kindness.

"Oh, you're awake." A soft voice said, and Namjoon snapped his head over to the stairs, seeing Yoongi stepping off the last one.

"Good morning." The boy said, crouching down to be more eye level with Namjoon. "Are you...how are you?"

Namjoon looked around, wondering where the two adults were. "Where...where are those two?"

"They're both at work." Yoongi said. "We have a couple hours until the man gets back. He always gets home first, around four."

He grabbed the padlock that kept the cage door shut. "He always takes the key with him, but I know where he keeps the spare." He pulled a small silver key out of his pocket, unlocking the cage and opened the door.

"Did you put this stuff in here?" Namjoon questioned as he crawled out, stretching now that he finally had room to.

Yoongi shook his head. "The man did."

Namjoon suddenly didn't want the blanket and pillows in there, feeling sick that he had even used them, despite being unconscious for it.

"I got you some food and water." Yoongi said, walking to the kitchen.

Namjoon followed him, arms wrapped around himself. He felt cold and exposed in the sheer lingerie, and wished he had his old clothes back. Not to mention how embarrassing it was to be dressed like this- like a fucking sex toy-, and every time Yoongi looked at him Namjoon felt his cheeks heat up in the short skirt that showed off half his ass.

Yoongi glanced over his shoulder and noticed the boys discomfort.

"Do you want to eat while I get you something else to wear?" The smaller boy asked. "I know we aren't the same size, but I have some large sweatshirts that should fit you." He frowned. "I don't think I can give you any pants, though. I'm a lot smaller than you, I'm sorry."

Namjoon smiled softly. "It's okay, you don't have to apologize for that. I appreciate whatever you can give me."

Yoongi blushed and nodded. He pulled out a chair for the boy, in front of the plate of pancakes he had made while Namjoon was asleep, and the bottles of water he had set up. "Take your time, I'll be right back with some clothes." He hurried and raced away.

Although Namjoon was tempted to eat, he looked around instead.

After a few moments of thought, he went over to one of the large windows in the living room. Pulling the curtain aside, he carefully peered outside.

It was startling how normal the neighborhood outside was. Nice houses, green lawns and blooming flowers as far as Namjoon could see. For some reason, he had been expecting a dirty, seedy neighborhood in the slums somewhere, but this revelation was shocking and disturbing.

Yoongi slowed when he came down the stairs and saw Namjoon looking out the window.

He paused for a moment, heart pounding as he wondered what the boy was about to do. Bang on the windows and scream for help? He hoped not, it wouldn't work and would just set off the alarm the man had set up.

After a few moments, Namjoon let go of the curtain and turned away. He noticed a figure and was startled, until he saw it was just Yoongi.

"I found some things." Yoongi held up the bundle of clothes. "I got you some real underwear too, if you want. I promise it's clean. I don't know what size you wear, but hopefully it'll work."

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