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Namjoon weakly came back to consciousness, feeling various pains all over his body.

It took all his energy just to open his eyes, and a few more moments before he was able to process what he was seeing.

He was laid down in the backseat of a car, the bumpy road jostling him. It must have been what had woken him up. A blanket was laid over him, half falling off.

His hazy vision slowly came into focus, seeing a dark figure at the wheel. The windows were still dark, so they hadn't driven all night.

Namjoon had no idea where he was now.

The smell of blood was making him nauseous, and after hitting a particularly large bump in the road, Namjoon leaned over the seats and vomited onto the floor.

Holden whipped his head around. "What the fuck!"

Unable to answer him, Namjoon threw up again, feeling dizzy.

Holden scowled. "You couldn't have waited just five more minutes?" Grumbling, he rolled down the windows.

The breeze ruffled Namjoon's hair as he laid back against the seats, bringing a hand up to his face. He rubbed at his cheek, feeling dried blood there.

He remembered a gun, screaming, the man and woman fighting. And now the woman wasn't with them.

And Yoongi- where was Yoongi?

Tears pricked the pornstars eyes.

He just wanted to go home. Why was all of this happening? Why him? What about Yoongi? He needed to know that Yoongi was okay, but what if he was buried under the roses?

The car slowed down and Namjoon felt it turn. It idled for a moment and then shut off.

Namjoon looked up, seeing the man open the backseat door.

Holden scowled at the vomit. "I just bought those floor mats, you bitch."

He reached in and grabbed Namjoon from under his arms, easily sliding the weak boy out of the car.

"No one will find us here, not even that bitch knew I had this place. I took Yoongi out here once, but not even he remembers it. It's a new home, just for us." Holden was grinning as he carried Namjoon up a dirt driveway to a small cottage. It looked like it hadn't been inhabited in years, which was probably true if the owner couldn't always get away from his wife and real house to maintain it.

"Sit up." Holden commanded as he sat the boy down on the step, manhandling Namjoon to stay put. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door. 

Namjoon watched with bleary eyes, fighting hard to keep his balance and sit up right. His head was swimming and he felt like throwing up again- which didn't make sense since he couldn't remember the last time he ate.

Holden propped the door open before scooping Namjoon up and carrying him inside.

The interior was dark and dingy, covered in dust. 

Holden set the boy down on the couch, before wandering out of the boys vision.

Namjoon knew he was in danger, but there was nothing he could do to save himself. Weak, starving, dehydrated, mentally and emotionally depleted, Namjoon wished he had succeeded in pulling that trigger.

Exhausted, Namjoon let his eyes close and drifted away, the smell of blood following him. 


Yoongi raised his head up from where he had been resting it on his knees, his arms wrapped around them, looking at the door where the detective had just come through.

"What's happened?" He asked, still tired. He hadn't slept since he had been brought to the station. He couldn't- not until he knew Namjoon was okay. It wasn't fair- Yoongi shouldn't be sitting in a bed, eating and drinking while being totally safe when Namjoon was in the hands of a monster. Especially when it was his fault that beautiful Namjoon was in this mess.

Seokjin closed the door behind him, approaching the boys cot. After Yoongi had fainted, they had brought him to the hospital and ran some tests to check his overall health. 

The boy was definitely dehydrated and underfed, and needed to rest. But Yoongi refused to do any of that, insisting he wouldn't be able to until Namjoon was safe.

"We are tracking Holden's car," Seokjin said, sitting on the edge of Yoongi's bed. "There's an APB out and every officer in the country is on high alert. Wherever he is now, he won't get far."

He held out a small cup of water out to the boy. 

Yoongi shook his head, his stomach in anxious knots.

"Come on, Namjoon's fate won't drastically plummet if you drink this." Seokjin pleaded. "He would want you to be okay as well."

"It's not fair." Yoongi mumbled.

"Yoongi," Seokjin sighed, ready to argue with him again. "You didn't do anything wro-"

"Boss!" Jungkook suddenly burst into the room.

"You found him?" Yoongi gasped, suddenly alert.

Seokjin glared at Jungkook, getting off the bed and grabbing the younger officers arm and dragged him a few feet away. "I told you not to bring up case related matters in front of Yoongi. Now there's no chance of him sleeping for the next 24 hours!"

"There wasn't a chance of that happening anyways." Jungkook retorted. He handed his boss a photo. "Look, highway security cams caught Holden's car going down I94 ten minutes ago."

Seokjin frowned, taking the photo. "What's he doing down that way? That road leads to nothing but farmland."

"Barely even any farms out there." Jungkook added. "But it's a start- we know he has Namjoon with him. We'll send out every available officer we have and grid search the entire county if we have to!"

"That will take too long." Seokjin shook his head. "That's hundreds of miles of land with a million hiding places. Even if we had a thousand officers, it would takes weeks, even months to find them. Namjoon doesn't have that kind of time. Holden just killed his own wife- he's in a frenzied mental state. The moment Namjoon resists him, he'll probably kill the kid too."

The voice was so soft that the two officers didn't hear it at first.

Then Jungkook peered over his shoulder at Yoongi. "What was that?"

"I said," Yoongi whispered. "I know where they are."

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