Prologue: The mafia lord

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    The floor creaked as soon as the footsteps they've been expecting drew near. It creaked in rhythm to the steps of the foot , and by the sound of it, he was walking slowly. Probably taking his time to make his intro dramatic.
    The wood on the floor complimented the building they were in. It was old and was already coming out of place. It could only be understandable if the wood was already weak.
    The men awaiting his arrival were all dressed in black smooth leather, mostly. They surrounded a man whom they had tied to the only wooden chair in the room. The only part they hadn't tied up with ropes was his mouth which they had taped really shut.
     They stood, awaiting him. Their master. Their leader. The head of their vast mafia team. They waited in silence, making the whole room feel as though it were a graveyard.
      Judging by the slow footsteps coming from the hallway infront, they knew it wouldn't be long before he showed himself, and that it wouldn't be long.
     The man on the chair felt his heart beating fast when he saw the familiar figure at the entrance of the hallway, staring at him. He started shaking, started fidgeting on the chair, as if he was trying to get loose from the ropes that were holding him in place. He knew it was impossible to do so but he needed to. He knew what was going to happen to him, perhaps what the dangerous young man infront of him was going to do to him.
      At the arrival of the person the erect men have been waiting for, they said nothing but kept a straight and hard face. They had done their job. It was time for their boss to do his, so they watched. It was gonna get interesting.
      The mysterious man in black suit and neat black shoes walked over to the hostage man and crouched infront of him, right in front of his sweaty face, and said  "Hello Mart". His voice was firm and hard. It held no place for pity as his bright blue eyes carried disdain for the man on the chair.
     The hostage man eyes went wide as he started banging his head and trying to wiggle free from his hold. He was terribly afraid of the young man infront of him. Mart knew the cool long coffee brown hair on his head and his goodlooking jawline were just a feign to hide the true cold-blooded spirit of him, not that it mattered but the guy could've been better if he was brought up in a whole different way. That's what Mart thought.
      "You really thought you could get away with my money huh?" His question carried menace.

         "Mmmm!!" Mart couldn't talk, he could only muffle through the tape.
        "You know I can't get cheated. I hate that" He stretched out his hand and ripped the tape off Mart's mouth, which caused the older guy to go screaming his lungs off.

      Only when Mart got himself did he began to plead "Please, I beg of you! I----I didn't know, I didn't do it. Please, let me live, please lord Damian"

      Damian looked at him expressionlessly. "You didn't know or you didn't do it? You know I like accurate information"  His voice was cold.

     "Please"  Mart was sweating profusely. "I just wanted to feed my family. Please help me. Let me go. And I promise you, I won't do it again. It was a mistake! I promise. I won't do it again, please lord Damian".
      "You also know I don't make deals with the enemies. Mistakes can be repeated"

     "Only if you're unwise to heed". The corners of Mart's mouth twitched as blood dripped from it.
      Damian stared at him for awhile. "You wanted to feed your family. Didn't you think that that could put them in danger as well?".

      Mart's eyes went wide in understanding. "Please don't! I have........a daughter. She's still a little girl. Please. If you kill my wife, she'll have no one"

      "Then why don't I make it easy for her. They both die". Damian stared into his eyes with menace and intensity.

     "No please!"  Tears started dropping from his eyes. "Please". Until he started sobbing. "Let her live. She's my only child. Kill me instead".

      Damian clicked his tongue, irritated. "Of course I'll kill you. You stole from me, and you know the punishment for doing that".

      "Not only that, you ran away. You left your family and ran away. How am I sure you didn't tell your family a few things like sneaking up to destroy me or bombing my place. How am I sure they are as innocent as you're trying to make it look. How am I sure I can trust your pretence?". His voice turned low.

       Mart started breathing heavily as he looked down. "You've never trusted anyone".
       "You're wrong". His reply wasn't immediate or swift.

       "But my family. They're innocent. Please leave them. If I can't beg for my life, at least let me for their lives. They shouldn't suffer or pay for my sins".

       Damian stood straight and straightened his clothes. A man came forward and handed him a gun which he took.
      "Please". Mart's voice was barely above a whisper when he saw this.

      Damian fiddled with the gun  between his fingers before placing it infront of Mart's face. "Too late". Then he pulled the trigger and immediately changed direction where the bullet hit it's new target, the clavicle.
   The Mafia lord was going to make this a slow one.

    Mart let out a scream which contrasted to the deafening sound of the gun blow. The erect men maintained straight faces as their leader seemed unfazed by the sight of the bloody scene.

    The second blow went off but no one, from outside could discern where it hit or what was going on, as all they could see, as passers-by, was the tall, dark looking warehouse where the gunshot was heard, infront of them.

Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Where stories live. Discover now