1: The crazy girl and the arrogant boy

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Music boomed from the four corners of the room where he was. There were bottles on the counter and drunk people singing rubbish on the podium. There were two kinds of women in a place like this: the whores and the ushers.

Most ushers were whores in disguise. All you gotta do was make a move on them with money and you got it. The place was clearly a bar. The only question to be asked was---- what was he doing here?.

Damian sat at the far end of the bar, alone with his eyes glued to some files on the table, sprawled out infront of him. Most times, whenever he was done with operations, like the one he just finished doing, he would hang out in this bar---- THE OCLADE. And he would be alone, except if some girls come over to him. That was when he would be at his playboy prime and allow such, well except if he was too focused or busy to be disturbed. And right now, he wasn't.

During one of his relaxation moments, by that, it means a girl caressing him all over, someone came to him and stood at ease, keeping a straight face . Even without raising up his to look, he knew it was one of his men and he knew who..........the captain of the army.

"Who?". Damian threw. He already knew Cortex would only disturb him, standing at ease, if someone was asking of him.

"Your father". The reply came instant as one in an army would.

Damian's bored face changed instantly to a cold, dangerous one as he turned to look at the captain of his mafia team, causing the girl with him to feel the intensity and freeze in her unnecessary and vain work.

Damian had his own mafia team which was called......Army. He didn't want to rely on his father's team as he knew that they would still stay loyal to his father. So Marshall, his father, decided to take back his team since his son didn't want them as he had offered to give him everything.

Damian's Army didn't acknowledge Marshall as his father so they addressed him by his name, no matter how far the age difference was, but Marshall didn't mind. His mind was all on his son, as so he will say to himself.

After maintaining a stare with Cortex, who managed to hold them well, Damian stood up. It was good Cortex hadn't cowered. That was why he'd made him the head army. He was loyal and brave.

The girl on the chair seemed to turn stupid at that moment because she suddenly took hold on Damian's sleeve and used a seductive tone to say:

"Where are you going now? I thought you were going to stay longer and then do something".

Damian's face turned irritated. And when she winked , Cortex shuddered. It was so disgusting.

Damian shot out his arm from her hold and glared at her. "Get your stinky and irritating self off me". Couldn't these girls see that he was only using them? How blind and stupid were they? "And get lost". After using that cold voice on her and leaving her shocked, he left, with Cortex on his trail.

*Meanwhile, at a different scenario*

"Mum, I think that stuff is burning". A melodious voice could be heard from the backyard of this average bungalow.

"Carl, will you stop that?". A woman-like voice came from the kitchen as she addressed a teenager who was drumming loudly against the cupboard in the kitchen with his head bobbing to the music he was listening from the headphone on his head.

Seeing her son wasn't listening, she sighed before checking the food on the stove, and going to the backyard where her other child was.

She knuckled her forehead, making the girl to whine.

"Ow mum?". A long black haired girl with brown eyes stared back at the woman with a confused gaze.

"You don't call it stuff. It's the food we're all gonna eat". The woman replied, her voice firm and hard.

Out of nowhere, a boy's voice said, "I don't think I'm going to join in mum". It was the boy with the headphone. "I'm going to school. Bye mum, bye sis. Eat safely". His voice sounded quick with urgency as he immediately disappeared from the door leading to the backyard.

His mother swished her head around. "Don't you even dare. I spent my time cooking for......." But the sixteen year old was already gone. "Bush sticks!"

"Mum, you know we love you and you are the greatest mother we'd ever asked for", the girl tried to comfort, "But you know we never eat your food". Their mother wasn't a really good cook. The girl was, but that didn't mean her mother would let her cook in the house. They usually just let their cousin, who normally stayed with them, cook the meals.

The woman turned to face the girl. "Thanks Melody but no one's gonna still eat the food I made"

"Well". Melody whined

"But you can try it. I made a very good improvement, try me".

Melody's face went alarmed. "Sorry mum". She bent to pick up her bag pack. She didn't want to try her mum or her food. "I'm already running late for college, gotta go".

"But........ Melody...."

"Oh, will you look at that". She showed her mother her wristwatch. "Gotta run or I'll miss the bus", which wasn't a lie. She might miss the bus, and then she'll have to trek and start having leg cramps.

Her mother stared after her as she rounded up to the front gate while waving. There she met her cousin, who happened to be Mexican. This was because Melody's mother's stepmother was a Mexican and already had a son before marrying Melody's mother's father. The step mother's son got married to another Mexican, giving birth to a middle aged woman, Melody's cousin (or step cousin, if you may), who was unmarried and still in her thirties.

"Hola mija". Melody greeted in her joyful manner, at the sight of her Mexican cousin.

The woman, Mariana, smiled at her 20 year old cousin. "Hola Melodia". Her mexican accent got normal american names mixed up at times. "Where are you off to at this time? College? Don't tell me....."

"Yes, I'm a bit late prima", which means female cousin in Mexico. "That's why I'm in a hurry. Bye"

Melody's voice rang out as she took off from the gate.

Mariana turned from the now empty space in the gate, to her step-aunt. "Abuela"

Melody's mother, Dottie by name, groaned when she heard that. "I'm not a grandma. Stop calling me that and help me clean up the mess I made in the kitchen".

Mariana chuckled lightly. "A cooking disaster? Again?"

Dottie shot her a glare instantly. "Don't you even dare".

But the other woman wasn't taken aback, infact she let out a loud infuriating laughter, which caused Dottie to roll her eyes, groaning some more and retreating into a passage that led into the house, Mariana following after her.

Dottie Shades: a single mother, actually she was a widow. Her husband owed a group of people some money, and got killed because of it. Her children doesn't know this. They believe he had an accident. Only she knew that he got killed because he owed a Mafia lord, Marshall something by name, some money.

Only she knew.

Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Where stories live. Discover now