10: Not in the right mind

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*Three weeks later*

Damian was sitting on the appointed bench, in thoughts against Ace's threats towards him when someone walked over. He didn't have to look up. Even by her sassy cat-walk and the shoe sound, he'd guessed who.

"Hello Damian"

Great, she was using a seductive voice.

"You're five weeks late to the group meet-up and the presentation's next week. What help are you to us now?"

Kailin sat down without waiting for permission and crossed her legs. "Do you really care about that thing?" She then laughed. "I'm surprised that someone like you would even care"

"You are gullible to rumors"

She sighed. "Why don't we just ditch this unnecessary stuff and go have some fun. This life is short and we're still young"

He scoffed. "Such worldly foolish wisdom"

"It's not wisdom if it's foolish"

"Exactly." Then a realization hit Damian. He hadn't been out with girls anymore like before. What was happening to him?

"Damian", she suddenly took hold of his hand, which made him to look at her with dangerously narrowed eyes. "You don't have to pretend that you're doing this 'cause you don't want to notice me. Aren't I.......oww"

Out of nowhere, his hand was crushing her fingers. How dare she touch him?

He was oblivious to her painful cries as he kept crushing. Who does she think she is anyways?


He heard a shrill voice and that made him to look up in recognition.

Melody had been watching them for a while. She wanted to see what will happen even though she felt her heart caving in, until she saw what he was doing and became terrified.

Damian let go of Kailin, and without sparing anyone else a single glance, he walked away.

Melody watched him go until she heard a hiss by her side. She looked down at Kailin, who was nursing her now funny-looking fingers.

Kailin shot her a glare like as if she was the one who'd bent her metacarpals.

"What did I do?" Melody asked, letting go of the fact that she bailed out on them.

Kailin stood up to go before Melody added. "Just do one thing, since you couldn't come throughout the making of the project. Come for the presentation." She knew today's meeting was totally not going to hold.

Meanwhile, at the headquarters of The army, inside Damian's huge office, Lyon was talking to him in his usual goofiness.

"After that, we went to turkey town, went to the third aisle on the left and talked about the way baby pandas wabble. Aaah, it was interesting." Lyon had been babbling about his outings with April and now Damian was confused.

"Wait, I thought you just wanted to eat and run." After Lyon didn't want to go to have fun in the bar after Carla's visit to Rodriguez that day, Damian thought he'd decided to settle on April instead.

"That was my plan initially, but after being with her, I thought," he shrugged, "maybe not."

"Huh, so now you like her?"

"I'm already dating her."

Damian frowned. "What!" That was quick.

"I have my ways." Lyon grinned goofily.

Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Where stories live. Discover now