13: A new friend

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   Melody was just finishing up in the canteen.  Carla had left for her appointment in the antenatal hospital. Lyon had come over to pick April up, but not without greeting her, even when she had on a shocked face. The stranger had excused himself from their little group long before Lyon had come, so she was alone.

      She stood up and cleared her tray, and sighed.

      She missed spending time with Damian. She couldn't deny the fact that what Carla had said about Damian being a womaniser made her sad. She liked him. How do you think she felt when she was told of his true nature!

     But......she couldn't also deny the fact that she missed him. Their fights, arguments, chats, she missed everything. Now, that there wasn't any project group, she guessed she would see less of him. Well, after the wedding that is.

      Just as she turned around, she screamed in horror and immediately her hand went to her chest as her heartbeat increased erratically. "Ah" She heaved heavily. "Oh my goodness." She doubled over, panting before looking up to glare at him.

     "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you." He didn't mean to scare her.

     Melody wondered why the stranger came back. "Well you did", she started walking away, but noticed that he followed.

    She also noticed people were looking at her and her friend. She didn't know why but one look at Ace showed that he wasn't paying attention to any of them.

    She didn't know about the army being on the cover of normal students in the university  but they wouldn't see her now, 'cause the time their leader leaves the campus, they all have to abandon whatever they're doing and either get to the HQ before him or behave like bodyguards along the way, with their uniform on, which they would change into before going to the HQ.

    Naturally, Damian didn't need bodyguards. He could pretty much defend himself in all matter of skill.

    When he was little, his father had taken him to China and Japan to learn martial arts. He had even fought with a sumo. But crazy boy, even as a 10 year old, when he saw that the sumo couldn't be defeated, put on a lighter,  which had been with him for some reason, and threw it into it's big underwear. He had watched with a smirk as the sumo jumped up and down hysterically, with the fire spreading in his undies.

    Lyon had been too lazy to learn. He could fight a little, but not as professionally as skilled as Damian was in martial arts.

    Melody stopped and swerved around to face Ace with a skeptic look. "Why are you following me?"

    "I just want to walk with you." He took a step forward. "I want to be friends with you. You're nice"

    Melody thought. These words do not affect her. She was used to hearing those kind of words. There was  another thing on her mind. If she could take her mind off Damian for a little while, maybe her feelings would lessen, and she'd be able to look at him without turning red from the inside again. If maybe......
But was it possible? She shrugged. She should give it a try.

    "Ok, come on then." She said and resumed walking, with Ace beside her. He looked like a responsible person. She thought as she glanced at him. "So, what does Ace do?"

    "I'm still in school." He smiled toothily.

   "That's what a rich kid would say"

    "Aren't you one? You don't look like you work." He observed.

    "I guess so. But I'm not a really rich kid"

   "I see. So, that thought just comes to your mind about campus students who don't work?"

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