9: Dubloy

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    For the next two weeks, Melody and Damian worked on their solar-system-big-bang-theory project (probably needs a much better name). Damian did it with a half-mind tho. However, during their teamwork, Melody realized that he was pretty smart. Kailin wasn't coming but Melody still had hope. At least, she had something to present when it was time, and the finish line for the project was in a months time.

     Now, there is one tall, red haired, jade green eyed, really handsome man in the same university with Damian and co. He was in his final year but was stalling for time so he could monitor Damian's moves. He is the leader of the Ace-cards.

    Damian had known all along that the guy was monitoring him but he pretended like as if not. He knew what he was doing. The man knew he knew about him for he knew that Damian was a smart and calculative one.

    It happened one day when the twenty five year old walked up to Damian to openly talk to him. It didn't surprise the other tho. He just maintained the expressionless dangerous face he'd had on since.

    "Long time." The man began. His hands were tucked in his pockets. He stared down at Damian who was alone, sitting on the bench where the project-group meeting held place.
    It was 1:30 pm, but he wasn't waiting for her, he just wanted to rest, which was unusual for someone like him.

    Damian didn't bother to open his closed eyes. "Ace Dubloy. How sick of you to visit me."

    "Just like old times huh." This guy disliked Damian so much.

    "Old times?" Damian smirked and opened his eyes. "How can you remember old times when it hurt you the most?"

    Ace clenched his fists in his pockets at the remembrance of how Damian had killed his father and brother in a gun fire. Eishh! He could tear him apart right now.

    "I was the one who visited you, not you, and it was bloody"

   Ace looked away. "Yeah, you were rubbing your butt on the chair." He snickered as he wiped at his nose aggressively.

    Damian knew that as a sign that he was feeling fury within him and he knew it was because of what he'd said. But Ace hasn't been well for a while. He could be said to have minor mental derangement but that didn't stop him from thinking calculative and functioning well in his ideas and daily activities.

    "Are you on drugs again?"

    Ace glanced at him. Actually he glared.

    "If you're not, stop snickering. It's annoying to hear."
Damian closed his eyes, and still felt his intense glare. "Dude, if you don't have anything to say to me, get lost."

    Ace snickered again. Way too angry now. "You know, I could just kill you, right now"

    "If you have men hiding around, you should know I have more hiding behind those hiding around"

    Ace sneered. "I know. I'm not stupid like Reagan. You know why they call me your strongest rival"

    Damian opened his eyes and shook his head at him. "No one calls you that"

    "They do, you just don't know"

    "Just go away. You're disrupting my quiet time"

    "You never have quiet times." Ace tilted his head as he observed him. "Perhaps someone is already changing you"

    "You can dream"

    "If it's your mum"

    Instead of Damian to shoot him a glare, he just looked at him. He was definitely a mafia lord 'cause he didn't allow what people say get to him or make him react with unnecessary emotions. "I am my mother's son"

Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum