16: What happened to Kailin?🤨

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Melody lay face up, staring at the ceiling. She couldn't explain the mood she was in right now but she knew she wasn't well.

Being called a nasty name by someone you liked wasn't something to be proud of.

She sighed.

She heard pings from her phone and brought it out to check it. One was an alarm reminder for Carla's wedding tomorrow and another was a text message from April, reminding her of the same thing.

She sat up instantly. Right! She shouldn't sulk around when tomorrow is a big day. She had to appear joyous for her friend. So, she had to get up and prepare!

She jumped down from her bed and walked towards her closet.

Flinging it open, her eyes roamed around the arranged clothes, like she could see what she'll wear on first sight.

This cloth picking would've been a lot easier if April was here.

But April was somewhere with Lyon now, and Carla was in the hospital with Rodriguez.

Few days ago, the girls had gone shopping for Carla's wedding dress, and their journey was terrific.

Melody wondered how beautiful Carla would look tomorrow.

She will just have to wait.

With a sigh, Melody bent down and started through the clothes in there, and that's when Kailin decided to drop in.

Melody didn't even bother to look up but she greeted her, even though she knew Kailin wouldn't answer, but surprisingly Kailin did, and that made Melody to look at her with confusion.

When Kailin noticed the way Melody was looking at her from head to toe, she shrugged, "what?"

"I'm just..... Are you okay?" Sincerely, Melody was confused.

"Yeah, I am"

"Ok." Melody nodded before looking at her clothes. However, she spared her glances before fully turning her attention back to what she was doing.

"Hey", Kailin spoke up again, "I'm just.... I'm sorry for the other day. That I jilted you and Damian on our project. It was uncool of me, and I apologize"

Melody squinted her eyes at her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I don't want us to continue like this. I mean....we're roomies. We're supposed to be the best friends there is, in the whole of this campus"

"You didn't hit your head, did you?"

"I want us to stop behaving like we're unseen to each other, and act like we're a team, like one, like friends. Let bygones be bygones. I'm super sorry for the dangerous bail of mine that cost you your grade mark, I really am, and I promise to be a better person from now on"


Melody was skeptical. Maybe they operated on Kailin in a lab in the afternoon or something.

"We'll study together. We'll go to church.....yeah, anything that can make us work."

Then she stretched out her hand towards Melody for a handshake, to finalize the deal of being friends from now on and letting bygones be bygones. "Deal?" Kailin smiled broadly, showing her perfect set of teeth.

Melody was uncertain, skeptical and suspicious. One thing she'd learnt from her mother was that you couldn't trust your enemies, don't even give them a second, 'cause that second could be used for the endangerment of your life. That was how quick, cunning and tricky they were.

So, having that in mind, Melody stood up, closed her closet and with her eyes on Kailin, walked over to her bed.

"I will just go to bed now, thanks"

She just remembered, along with shopping for Carla's wedding gown, they had shopped for their own gowns too. It was so perfect! And she couldn't ignore the suspicion in her emotions, warning her to stay farrrr away from Kailin.

Seeing that Melody ignored her outstretched hand, Kailin's insides burned and melted in hot fury. She almost lost control and clenched her fists but instead, she smiled.

"No problem, Melody. Have sweet dreams, 'kay?" Then she turned around, laid on her bed and started operating on her phone.

Melody moaned.

She wasn't going to have sweet dreams. Kailin had smiled at her twice now. She knew she was supposed to know people changed and to give them chances, but there was this feeling that strongly kept her away from trusting Kailin. It was strong and pulling that she had to heed.

On the other hand, Kailin had just finished sending a text to her elder brother.

*Told you this wouldn't work!! 😠*

A ping followed. *You're not trying hard enough*

She grew angry at the sight of his reply, that she almost smashed her phone against the wall beside her. *Oh get lost, Ace! I'm not doing this anymore. You're on your own! Live with it!*

*You're going to tell me what happened and how it got wrong. Meet me at the diner's tomorrow evening*

Kailin growled within her. *I said GET LOST!!!😡😡!!!*

She switched off her phone and banged it on the bed. It didn't make noise, and it didn't matter, 'cause by now, Melody was already asleep.

Kailin didn't just understand her brother! She didn't want to get involved in any of his plans, whatever they were. Why couldn't he get that!

She didn't even want to remember the death of her father and brother. Point check, she wasn't even close to them. She was close to her mother, and her mother had died few years before that day. Her mother had died of cancer, the stage-four. But they were all still family.

However, she wasn't like them. She felt the pain but she didn't want revenge nor did she crave for it.

That was one of the reasons she had changed her last name to 'Kamdams' before moving to high school senior year and college. She didn't want her brother's fame to interfere with her social-famous life. She didn't even care if that made her totally different from her brother. She liked her lifestyle, when you don't have to think of anything that bothers you and just focus on your present, your now.

The next morning, Melody was up and full of excitement.

Kailin was gone early, leaving the room all alone for Melody, who found this an awesome opportunity to do her thing!

She turned to a maniac on the floor. She danced and sang as she moved about the room, going to the bathroom, coming out, bringing out her gown from the shopping bag, dancing waltz with it, singing with and to it, and bobbing her washed and scented hair all around.

This happened for lots of minutes till a horn blared into her hearing, making her to stop and look out the window.

Somehow, she felt the horn was for her.

So when she looked out the window and saw a familiar hand waving at her from inside the back seat of the Ferrari, through the car window, she knew she wasn't wrong.

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