33: Her first kiss

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Melody stared at him with her puppy brown eyes. "Yeah. We're supposed to bless the food the Lord has provided for us. We have to thank Him for it."

He blinked his eyes. Oh, pray. But he
......he didn't think he knew how. "Is it really necessary?"

"Well, it is necessary."

He heaved out a heavy breath and leaned into his chair. "I don't know how." He confessed.

"I'll pray. Here." She stretched out her hands.

He looked from it to her. What was she doing now?

"Hold my hands. We'll pray together."

Holding her hands wasn't a problem, but.... "Are you sure?"

She smiled beautifully. "Come on. You'll repeat after me." She closed her eyes. He didn't.

He stared at her. He really wanted to.....

"Close your eyes, Damian."

Caught, he obliged. And from the beginning of the prayer till she was done, he repeated every word with accuracy.

Surprisingly, he felt somehow renewed on the insides. He knew the prayer was the reason and thought...how he would feel if he prayed all by himself, like this?


"Yeah?" He glanced at her.

"Let's eat. What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing much." He dipped his spoon into the food.

Melody watched him closely. "Damian?"

"Hmm." He chewed gratefully. This is amazing! How did she cook this?

"I thought you couldn't walk around 'cause of your sickness. What happened?"

"I don't know." He hid a sheepish smile as he averted her stare.

Her brows creased. She would pretend she didn't see that. "Again why did that army address me as M'lady?"

He looked at her.

"Infact, he's not the only one. Did you tell them to address me that way?"

Damian looked away to think.
They were calling her 'M'lady'. They would never call a woman that.

They didn't even address the women he's whored with that. They mostly called them Hs, which is to say, hoes. He normally allowed them to say that to the women, when they were and weren't around. Those women would cry and beg him to stop his boys from addressing them that way, but he didn't.

It could only mean one thing. They already knew his feelings for her and had subconsciously accepted the fact that they would soon be seeing her more these days.

Or did Lyon disclose it to one or two persons and it spread out?

"Damian." He was thinking again.

"That's probably what they've decided to call you."

"So, you didn't instruct them to address me like that?"

He looked at her. "No."

She shrugged. "That army looks young. How old do you think he is?"

The boy might probably be 18. "I'll look into it."

She nodded, looking down, feeling quite uncomfortable. Gah, this was boring. "G...."

"I kinda like the ring to it." He spoke up. "M'lady."


Son of a Mafia lord: Now a Mafia lord himself Where stories live. Discover now