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Devil In Disguise

THERE ARE CERTAIN rules you must follow if you're in a horror movie, and you have no clue who the killer is

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THERE ARE CERTAIN rules you must follow if you're in a horror movie, and you have no clue who the killer is.

1. Be smart, don't do drugs and drink if a serial killer is on the loose

2. Be a Virgin, once you give it up, you give up your life as well

3. Don't be stupid, if you have a bad feeling then get the fuck out of there!

4. Always look behind you, except when you're running, both can be a weakness and strength

You're the prey, the pawn in a much bigger chess game, you must be smart if you wanna live to be apart of the sequel. You're not going to be spared no matter how much you cry and plead, so don't try it.

  Use everything to your advantage, most victims forget to do that.

The final rule you need to survive throughout this horrific nightmare;

Trust no one, someone is guaranteed to be the devil in disguise, do not fall for it.

  Now you're officially prepared, good luck and I'll see on you on the flip side.. Or will I?

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now