XVII. This Fucking Bitch

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  Chapter 17,
    This Fucking Bitch

  As Daphne and Esther got to the basement, she realized that she had left her sister behind, and she was not about to leave her little sister behind to die. If Mika dies, then Daphne better die too because blood will spill. 

  "Shit, Mika!" Daphne muttered as she rushed past her girlfriend and began to walk up the stairs, but Esther held her back which only aggravated her even more. As Esther held her girlfriend back, she reminded her that there was always two killers, which made Daphne stare at her with disgust.

  How dare she try to imply that her sister, who was almost murdered, was the killer this whole time? That takes a lot of audacity and it wasn't sitting right with Daphne. Without any hesitation, Daphne raised her knife at her girlfriend, Esther was a little afraid as she asked her to put her knife down but she doesn't. 

  "Look, I think the other killer might just be Mika." Esther finally spat out, causing Daphne to look at her girlfriend with watery eyes. 

  Her sister would never betray her like that, Mika loved Daphne dearly, even if she did leave for five years. 

  "Are you joking?" Daphne asked, as she walked closer to her girlfriend, still holding the knife tightly.

  Esther was only angering the girl even more, her sister was not a murderer, no matter how much pain that was caused to her, Mika wouldn't go on a random killing spree. Daphne knew her sister well enough to know that if anyone would be a murderer, it would be her and not Mika. It runs in the family, after all.

   "She was the one who brought us here and on top of that, you two have been estranged for years. I mean... How well do you truly know your own sister?" Esther asked, causing Daphne to rethink her choices, but she knew better. 

  "I know her better and longer than I've known you, Esther." Daphne stated, nobody was going to make her turn on her own blood, not even some girl she's been seeing.

  Esther stood there with her mouth open, not knowing what to say or do next, not like Daphne gave her much time either. She ran up the stairs, ignoring the calls for her to come back from Esther, all she knew was that her sister needed her right now and she was going to be there for her. 

  Finally, Gale and Sidney arrived at the house, parking the car and getting out. Sidney walked to the trunk and grabbed a locked case. She opened it up and took out a gun, making sure there were bullets inside, she handed the gun to Gale. As the two women stared at the house, all of the memories flooded right back, it felt like Sidney was in high school again and Gale was a news reporter once more. 

  "Are you ready?" Sidney asked Gale, as she looked back at the house, reliving her teen years once again.

  "For this? Never." Gale smiled weakly as they began to walk over to the house, knowing that everything they touched or saw would take them back to the night it first happened.

  As they approached the steps, Summer rushed out of the house, holding onto her stomach, screaming and crying. 

  "Help please! He stabbed me!" Summer sobbed as she stumbled over to the railing, but her acting skills needed some help.

  "What do you think?" Sidney asked, as she kept her eyes on the younger girl, who was still pretending to be wounded.

  Gale knew though, she saw right through her little act and called it bullshit, it was a trap and if they got closer to her then they would die. Although she was correct, Summer stopped the act and put a bullet right through her lower left side stomach. Sidney reacted quickly and shot right back at the girl, who ran straight inside of the house. 

  "Gale, Gale!" Sidney noticed her best friend was shot and rushed to her side, she got down and tried to look at the bullet wound.

  "The bitch just shot me!" Gale breathed out as she touched her wound, she was always getting shot or stabbed, this woman was never lucky when it came to these ghost faces. 

  Sidney established that she needed to go to the hospital, as she applied pressure on the wound to keep it from bleeding even more, but Gale refused. Not only did she lose her ex-husband but her best friend was taken away from her, she needed to avenge his death and make things right for them. After a few back and forth moments, Sidney agreed to go inside and finish this once and for all. 

  Gale was left on her own, on the grass but luckily for her the murderers were still inside of the house. Sidney took a deep breath and walked slowly to the house, she was not only going to avenge Dewey's death, but get rid of all the fear that was put inside of her for the past years. Stepping inside of the house, Sidney looked around, holding her gun tightly, this was going to end, and it was going to end tonight.


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