V. I Can't Even Protect Her

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  Chapter 5,
   I Can't Even Protect Her

  The day turned into the night, Mika fell asleep quite easily and finally felt relief, knowing that she would be safe. Although the interaction with Summer bothered the living hell out of Daphne, she still found a way to fall asleep, Esther on the other hand was struggling so she decided to watch some Netflix. The night was going well, until Daphne's dreams turned into a nightmare, and she jolted awake. 

  "Woah, woah, you're okay, you're alright." Esther cooed as she rushed over to her girlfriend's side, putting Netflix on pause to comfort her. 

  "I'm sorry, I had a bad dream." Daphne stated as she looked at her younger sister, who was completely knocked out. 

  Esther still had her phone in her hand, causing Daphne to look over at her phone, confused on what the girl was watching.

 "I was watching Stab, since it's on Netflix." Esther admitted sheepishly as she looked over at to what Daphne's eyes were glued on.

  This information only made this girl furrow her brows as she looked at her girlfriend, confused as to why she was watching a movie based off of true events, and especially now.

  "I just wanted to be prepared, I don't want to die." Esther defended herself as she grabbed her phone, kissing her girlfriend's cheek before returning back to her seat.

  "I've got to go find something to eat." Daphne responded as she got up from the seat she fell asleep on, before walking over to the door.

  Esther nodded her head and smiled as she watched her girlfriend leave the room, before playing the movie, taking mental notes on what to do and what not to do.

   As Daphne walked into the lounge and walked over to the sink, she couldn't deny the small hunger pangs any longer. After taking the medication and took a sip of the sink water, she looked up back into the mirror, only to see her dead father in the background, scaring her.

  "How ya doing Daphne?" Billy asked, causing the older girl to shudder at the sight of her dead father.

 However, she remained silent, she did not want to entertain her imagination anymore, Billy is not there. He is not alive anymore, therefore she chooses to ignore it.

 "Anti psychotics aren't working as well as they used to, are they?" Billy asked smugly, knowing that her medication is hardly working at all since she can see him again.

  "Go fuck yourself." Daphne stated as she stared straight ahead into the mirror.

  "You can't run from who you are, Daphne. Remember that I am always going to be here, forever." Billy responded as Daphne looked down, and shook her head. 

 Wishing that this torment was over, it continued, Billy interrogated her when she would be sitting Mika down and asked her when she was planning on explaining everything. It needed to happen, whether Daphne wanted to or not. Just as she was about to respond, her phone began to ring, causing her to snap out of her thoughts. Daphne took her phone out of her pocket and checked who was calling.

  The caller ID said that it could possibly be of Summer Addams, so she answered it without hesitation. She didn't like the girl but if she needed her help then she would not spend another second here, she would go and help her.

  "Hello." Daphne greeted, waiting for Summer to either be bitchy or be nice.

 "Hello, Daphne." It was a man, who had a voice changer on, Daphne checked her phone once more before walking away from the sink.

  "Who is this?" She asked, confusedly as to who she was talking to and why they were calling her.

  "Just someone who knows about your little family secret." the person responded, causing Daphne's heart to fall to her feet. 

 She walked over to the open door but stopped right in front of the pin board, her blood ran cold for a moment before anger took over her.

  "You're the sick bastard who hurt my sister?" Daphne spoke, but it sounded more of a question as if she was questioning the person on the other line.

 "Oh she's not the only one I'm going to hurt. I had to get you to come back here somehow, didn't I?" The person responded, it felt as if you could hear their smile in their twisted words. 

  Daphne wasn't sure what to make of the information, but she knew that as long as this ghost face was wandering around, Mika and herself would not be safe.

  "You want to fuck with me, asshole? I am right here. Come and get me." Daphne spat as she waited for the person to respond.

  "With pleasure." He responded before kicking the door closed as he took out his knife, rushing straight to the girl.

  Catching Daphne off guard, she merely dodged the knife that was headed straight for her head, as the knife got stuck on the pin board, she slowly stood up only for her to get punched in the face with the handle of the knife. She had no time to feel the pain, she needed to get to safety, even though she told the killer to come and get her. Grabbing a chair, Daphne placed it in between her and the killer.

  The knife collided with the chair and its legs, making it almost impossible to inflict any pain on the girl, with all of her strength, she pushed her two feet onto the chair before kicking it and sending the killer to the other side of the room. 

  "Help!" Daphne screamed as she got up from the floor and rushed to the table, she tried running towards different sides but the killer wasn't letting that happen.

  With quick thinking, she grabbed onto the table and pushed it on to the killer, causing him to fall, which gave her enough time to run to the door and out of the room, screaming and pleading for help. One of the security guards had caught her and asked her what was going on.

  Somebody tried to kill me in the break room!" She shouted, still in the state of panic, as she looked around, afraid.

  As the security guard checked the room, there was nobody there but you could tell that something did go down in the room. Daphne was here to protect her sister but she couldn't even protect herself.


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