XXII. Starting A New Life

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   Chapter 22,
    Starting A New Life

  Mika and Daphne began to pack up all of Mika's stuff, and began to load it up in the moving truck before helping Camden, Alaska, and Mikaela load up their stuff in the truck as well. It had been two months since the ghost face attack, and they were all healing well, the group decided to pack up and leave from Woodsboro, the town you come to, to die. Camden made sure Alaska was alright before going over to help Mika get into Daphne's car, he was going to drive the moving truck with Alaska while Mikaela went with Daphne and Mika. Before the whole ghost face thing, Mikaela, Wes, Alaska, Aurora, and Camden had applied to blackmore, it wasn't until last month they got the acceptance letter.

  Daphne promised to never leave her younger sister, ever again, no matter what happened between them. As Mika locked the front door and left the key inside of a shoe, she took a deep breath, she knew that she was going to need a lot of therapy when she got to New York City. Except she knew that she was never going to go get therapy, she didn't want help, she didn't want to acknowledge what happened to her. 

  Everything was going to be shoved down, and she was going to suck it up, Mika needed to be strong for not only herself but for her friends and her sister. If she broke down now, then everyone was going to see her as the weak little sister who is still coping over some attack. All of the thoughts and emotions she felt and thought during the moment, she pushed it away, and ignored how bad it hurt her. She grew accustomed to the pain, and even though it wasn't good for her, she didn't care.

  Daphne noticed this, along with Mikaela but they weren't going to bring up, knowing that Mika would avoid the questions. The group hadn't realized this, but they knew that they were going to develop the worst kinds of issues, some that they aren't ready to acknowledge at all. They just wanted to start a new life and pretend that none of this even happened, that was what was going to happen.  

  As Mikaela and Mika put their seat belts on, Daphne started the car and pulled out of the driveway, it took a moment for them to start driving again and leave Woodsboro once and for all. However, they knew that not only were they leaving their past behind but they were leaving their friends here. Wes was being left behind, Liv was being left behind, and Dewey was being left behind. 

  Mikaela closed her eyes as Daphne drove past Wes's house, not being able to look at the neighborhood or house the same since his death, she can't cope the way the Kemper sisters were or how the twins were. She couldn't cope at all, she hardly wanted to believe that he was gone, but she knew that he was and he was never going to come back to her. 

 However, they understood anything about the Stab franchise, or even Sidney Prescott's life, they would know that the past never stays in the past and their secrets.

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