XIII. I Can't Fucking Breathe

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   Chapter 13,
    I Can't Fucking Breathe

 Gale and Sidney knew they had no power in forcing Daphne, her sister, her girlfriend and her best friend to stay in Woodsboro to finish a problem that started twenty-six years ago. So they watched them drive off, and away.

 "Can't believe you just let them leave." Gale breathed out, knowing that now they were left with nothing as the only person who was the glue to the issue left, taking the issue right with them.

 "I put a tracker on her car, I'm not going to let anyone else get hurt." Sidney stated as she took her phone out and clicked on the tracking app, before showing Gale, which shocked the older girl.

  "I'm sorry, you did what?" Gale asked, as she looked at Sidney, only for the woman to say it seemed like something she would do so she had to do it.

  Taking it as a compliment, the two women headed towards the car, getting inside and starting it. They were going to follow them, and whether or not forcibly make them end this whole problem tonight, it didn't matter if the group didn't like it. Although the murders were not focused directly onto Sidney or Gale, the blood would still be on their hands if they returned to Woodsboro and did nothing to stop the bloody killing spree that was bound to ensue. 

 Right as the group continues driving to leave Woodsboro, Daphne looks back and tells Mika that she had informed their mother already. Except, Mika wasn't listening to what she was telling her, instead she was focused on her mising inhaler, without it, she wouldn't be able to breathe correctly without starting to wheeze. Panic was slowly settling in, and the girl's breath was starting to kick in, that was when Daphne had finally noticed what was going on in the backseat.

  "Are you doing okay back there?" Esther asked as she could feel and hear the rustling from the back of her seat, which made Daphne turn around.

  "Shit, where the fuck is it?" Mika cursed as she looked in her book bag multiple times before checking her pockets, Mikaela had began to help her, as she checked her own bags and pockets but no sign of a back up.

  "You can't find your inhaler?" Daphne asked, clearly pointing out the obvious but just wanted some clarification.

  Mika nodded her head as she continued to check, she turned on the backseat light for a clearer look but there was nothing. She always had a back up one just in case her asthma began to mess with her, but it was gone, and she wasn't sure if she lost it or if someone took it from her. 

 "Do you want us to go back?" Daphne asked as she unbuckled her seat belt and placed her knees on the seat, starting to help her younger sister out.

 "Whoa, no way. We aren't going back to the fucking murder hospital." Esther butts in as she looks at her girlfriend, shaking her head.

  Daphne scoffed and rolled her eyes, before turning back to her sister who was clearly struggling with her breathing. 

 "Do you want to stop at the pharmacy?"

 "No, I need a prescription. However, I know I have a back up at Summer's house, can we stop there to grab it?" Mika responded as she began to grab everything out of her bag, and throw it in the middle  seat, but it was truly gone.

  Esther immediately rejected the idea, which was starting to tick Daphne off, if her sister needed something then she was going to get it. Esther was going to comply with her and she was going to take them to Summer's house for the inhaler, no rejections needed. Daphne's head shot straight at the girl driving and glared at her.

   "Fuck okay, what's the address?" Esther asked as Daphne pulled her phone, to set up the GPS.

   How can such a little thing cause such a big disaster? 


𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now