X. Stop Answering Phone Calls

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  Chapter 10,
    Stop Answering Phone Calls

  After the whole fiasco at the Meeks-Martin's house, Wes decided to go home before everyone else, knowing his mother would have called him to tell him it is time to come home now. Summer teased him as he walked out the door, and began to walk home, but he was used to it by now, he was used to her. Not by choice though. However, Wes decided he would go home, change into some jogging clothes and just jog around the neighborhood for a couple of minutes. 

 Judy was home, arriving just a couple of minutes after Wes went out, but she didn't feel like cooking for them tonight so sushi was on the menu. So as the older woman called up the restaurant, Judy began to write a little note telling Wes where she had went and what they were eating for dinner, but as soon as she finished with the note, the back door opened.

  Alerting the sheriff, she stood silent for a moment, almost frozen.

 "Is that you tiger?" She called out, but as she got no response from whoever entered her house, she grabbed a knife and began to walk slowly to the backdoor.

  Nothing was there though, just an opened back door, nobody popped out in front of it to scare her or stab her. After checking to make sure nobody was truly out there, waiting for their moment to attack her, she closed and locked the back door. The ghost face killings were getting to Judy's head, she was even more paranoid and felt as if she needed to make sure her son was forever protected and safe. Judy turned around, getting jump scared by her son who had his airpods in, listening to his music on full blast.

  "Oh, my god!" Judy shouted as she gripped the knife, Wes getting scared also jumped back.

 "Jesus!" Wes shrieked as he looked at his mom, noticing that she was holding a knife.

 Wes looked at his mom and raised his eyebrows as his lips pursed into a thin line before walking towards the front door, Judy smiled awkwardly as she lowered the knife down as she walked behind him.

  "Are you being safe out there, honey?" She asked, wanting to make sure he wasn't going to get hurt.

 "To the point that all my friends make fun of me." Wes responded as he took out his pepper spray and taser, before setting it in the bowl next to the front door.

  Judy meant well when it came to her son, Wes was the only child she has, and the only other family she has left. It would crush her soul if something happened to her baby boy.

 "What's for dinner?" Wes asked as he turned to look at his mom after setting the items down in the bowl.

  "Sushi, I'm about to go pick it up." Judy replied as she grabbed her purse off of the little coffee table, knife still in hand. 

 "Why didn't you just postmates it?" He asked, as he put his hands on his hips.

 "It gets all smooshy by the time it gets here, and I know how much you hate that. Go take a shower, I'll be back soon." Judy smiled, Wes always had a bit of a texture problem, his body rejecting anything that was too soft and mushy.

 Before exiting her house, Judy handed the kitchen knife to Wes and left the house, the boy put the knife away and rushed upstairs to go and take a shower. 

 As Judy gets into her car, Wes hops into the shower, leaving his phone on vibration mode and on the counter. Driving to the sushi place wasn't that far, maybe ten to fifteen to get there and then the same amount of time to return home. However, Judy's little plan was interrupted when her phone began to ring, to which she answered, despite it being an unknown number. Be smarter Judy.

  "Sheriff Hicks." Judy greeted to the person on the other side of the phone, only for it to be her worst nightmare.

  "Hello, Sheriff Judy." The killer responded, however it didn't process through Judy's mind just yet.

 "Who is this?" Judy asked, realizing that the person on the other line isn't calling to be nice to her or ask for help. She's got it all wrong.

 "Oh I think you know, Judy. I am a big fan of scary movies and knives, what's your favorite movie? " The killer asked, causing shivers to go down the woman's spine as she kept glancing at her phone.

 "I prefer animated films and musicals. Why are you doing this?" Judy asked as she kept driving to the sushi restaurant, she had nothing to worry about at the moment.

  While the killer continued to speak, Judy quickly turned her phone on and went onto messages, texting the group chat with the other deputies and police officers, asking someone to trace the call. She wasn't paying no head to the person who was trying to be scary and threaten her, well, that was until he caught her attention.

 "I'm calling to turn myself in, we can sit at the station and I'll happily tell you about the two murders I've committed." The killer spoke, which confused the blonde woman.

  "There's only been one murder so far." Judy corrected as she drove down the street.

  "It'll be two when i gut your baby boy like a fucking fish." The killer threatened, Judy's eyes widened as she did a sharp turn around the corner, now speeding down the street to get to her house.

  Speeding down the streets, Judy begins to call for back up while being taunted by the killer, she needs to get there in time. She needed to save her son from the death that was going to be his. Wes still being in the shower, having zero clue as what is going on, the killer took this as an opportunity to taunt her even more, playing some mind games.

  "How the fuck do I know you're anywhere near him?" She asked, as she pressed on the gas, going faster than the speed limit.

  "Have you ever seen the movie, Psycho?" 

  At that moment, Judy pressed the gas even harder, thanking the Lord for allowing her to get to the house. Running to the house, the ghost face popped out, shoving his knife into her side, and twisting it. Watching as Judy falls, ghost face gets on top of her and begins to stab her multiple times, watching as she choked on her own blood. 

 She failed, she couldn't rescue her son from what was going to happen to him, but she knew she would be reunited with him once more. 

 Finally getting out of the shower, Wes put his clothes on and walked down the stairs, grabbing the plates and setting the table before checking the door. Noticing that it was opened, Wes closed it and locked it before turning around and nearly getting impaled by the knife. Ghost face, rushed over to him, but Wes wasn't going to give up any time soon, he fought as hard as he could. As he tried to reach from his taser, the knife pierced through his neck, killing him almost instantly.

  I think it's safe to say everyone should stop answering phone calls, especially from unknown numbers.


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