IX. Interrogation Time

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  Chapter 9,
  Interrogation Time

  Although Dewey did not agree to help Daphne with her issue, she was going to take matters into her own hands, which meant gathering Mika's friend group at the Meeks-Martin's house for some interrogation and truth time. Esther didn't mind helping her girlfriend, she knew how much this meant to her, even if it did scare the Hispanic girl a lot. Isn't crazy the things you would do for the person you love with all your heart and soul? Love makes you do the craziest shit, and think even crazier shit. 

 Once they pulled up to the house, Esther and Daphne got out of the car and began to walk to the house when they heard another car pull up, followed by a door slam, causing the two girls to look back. Daphne couldn't fight back the smile, she was glad that Dewey had rethought his decision.

  "Holy fuck. He actually came." Daphne pointed it out as she looked at the older man walking over to the two girls.

  "I've decided to temporarily assist you in your investigation." Dewey spoke as he walked over to us, Esther grabbed Daphne's hand happily.

  "Thank you, thank you so much." Daphne as she watched Dewey finally walk over to them, his limp was a little bit noticeable but she wasn't going to say shit.

 It felt good knowing that Daphne had someone who had past experience with what was going on, and didn't find her crazy. Dewey walked over to the house, and stood in front of the door, waiting for the couple to pick up their jaws that were scraping the ground and open the door. 

  "Daph, just because that man took a shower and changed his clothes does not mean he should have access to a firearm, or any arms!" Esther whispered to her girlfriend, as she looked at the man who limped away.

  Daphne shook her head and rolled her eyes, although Dewey was hurt permanently did not mean he was going to cause harm to anyone. She rushed over to the front door, leaving Esther a little annoyed at how easily she could have trusted this man.

  The three adults followed Martha Meeks into her house and into the living room where all of the group sat. It was time for Daphne to not only come clean, but to accuse someone in the friend group for not only being a wolf in sheep's clothing but a backstabber. 

   "I called Mindy and told her to gather you here, because I have a confession to make." Daphne spoke, as she took a deep breath and looked at the group of teens who were staring right back at her.

 "So let me get this straight. You're saying that you're Billy Loomis's daughter, and that suddenly one of us is the killer? You sound dumb." Camden said as he summed up everything he heard, adding a little insult at the end because there was no way either one of them could be the murderer.

 "The killer had told me that he knew my secret, he attacked Mika just to lure me right back here." Daphne responded, as she defended her case without making it seem as if she was truly the killer. 

 "But then why, immediately go and murder some dickwad that was stalking Liv?" Camden asked, not really understanding the correlation.

 "Yeah, why does it have to be one of us, what about Deputy Dewey over here? Maybe eh's the killer. No offense." Wes added on, as he pointed at the retired cop, causing Dewey to raise his eyebrows in confusion.

  Esther nodded her head in agreement as she smiled at Wes, finally someone shared the same thought that she did and didn't find her weird for it either.

 "None taken, but what would even be my motive?" Dewey asked as he looked at Wes, wondering what he would be killing for.

  "You got stabbed like a billion times, got dumped by your very famous wife, and crawled into a bottle. I think it's safe to say you're on the suspect list too." Wes retorted, listing those reasons off with ease.

 "Well maybe you're the killer. Because that cut really deep." Dewey's tone went soft as he looked away from the younger boy.

  Amidst the whole accusations of one another and Mindy explaining that they were now a part of a requel, Summer brings up the fact it could be Daphne, and suddenly the whole group agrees with her. Not understanding how a group could so easily agree with someone who was a bitch and a manipulator, Daphne got up from the couch and left the house, driving off. 

 As Daphne keeps her eyes on the road, Billy shows up in the rear view mirror, looking like a bloodied mess.

  "The nerve of that girl, right?" He asked, as he stared at his only daughter.

 "I am really not in the mood right now." Daphne states, shutting him down almost immediately.

"Daph, there is a serial killer on the loose right now. He is not only threatening you but your baby sister. Now tell me, are you going to run away like you always do or are you going to grow some fucking balls and fight back?" Billy speaks, starting to get a little bit heated with his eldest daughter.

  He was a murderer for fucks sake, and he even almost got away with it too, this was in her DNA, even if she tried to push it away. Billy needed Daphne to embrace who she was if it meant saving not only herself but her sister and her friends.

 "I am not you." Daphne retorted as she refused to look in the rear view mirror.

 "Oh really, now, how are you supposed to survive? Let's get out there and figure out who is doing this, and cut some god damn throats!" Billy shouts, causing Daphne to scream back at her dead father.

  Right as she looked at the rear view mirror, a car had come speeding from the other side, causing her to hit the brakes hard and fast. She should have kept her ass in Modesto.



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