XVIII. Hiding For Safety

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  Chapter 18,
   Hiding For Safety

  Having to relive your trauma, was the worst thing anyone would ever have to do, the pain that was caused to you would never leave, no matter how hard you tried to make it go away. Along with the emotional scars that are suddenly forced open once more, but instead of blood spilling out and being all over the place, there's tears and horror everywhere as you try to desperately get out of this state once more. Sidney handled it very well though, as much as she wanted to cry and go back home with her kids, she knew she had to be here and help Mika and Daphne. It was there first time being hunted down and almost murdered but it was Sidney's fifth time, five times way too many. If she was able to kill her ex-boyfriend, her ex-boyfriend's mother, and her cousin then she could kill two knock-offs who just want to be in the spotlight. 

  Entering the house swiftly, Sidney made sure her gun still had enough bullets, she stood by the door for a moment, looking around the open areas before fully going inside and closing the door. Mikaela was nowhere to be found, as far as everyone else was aware, before Liv died, Mikaela was in the bathroom, peeing. Once the gunshot rang out throughout the whole house, the girl didn't hesitate to rush out of the bathroom and hide in Summer's room, under the bed. Smart move, she knew if she tried to leave then she would get shot, or stabbed, or even worse, accused of being the ghost face. 

  Sidney continued to check the downstairs, making sure everything was clear before heading up the stairs. 

  "Anyone hiding, killer or not? You have five seconds to show yourself." Sidney shouted, knowing that if she shot the wrong person she would not only be wasting a bullet but be taking an innocent life. She walked through the halls and stood in front of the basement door, and shot a bullet through it, making sure that if anyone was hiding in there would get wounded and possibly make a noise.

  Kicking the door open, Sidney checked the basement, making sure that nobody was hiding in there. Daphne was now in Summer's room, where Mikaela was. There was a thud in the closet, which caused Daphne to go check the closet, gripping her knife tightly.

  Daphne slowly approached the door, Mikaela watched the movements from under the bed, but she couldn't figure out if it was Daphne or not, and she wasn't going to risk it. When the closet door finally opened, Mika was relieved to see her sister standing there, Daphne was more than happy to see her too. As Daphne crouched down to cut the tape off of her younger sister's hands, she stopped and looked at her sister.

  Esther's words lingered in her mind, but for all the wrong reasons, Mika couldn't save herself if something went wrong. She would easily be ambushed by two killers, which meant she needed to stay in the closet for her own safety. Mika began to beg, and that's when Mikaela realized both Kemper sisters were in the room.

  However, Mikaela decided to stay under the bed, she was a little skeptical and knew if she wanted to keep her life then she would have to stay under the bed until further notice. As well as she would be able to protect Mika if one or two of the killers were to come into the room and tried to murder the defenseless girl.

  The thud from the closet caught the attention of Sidney, who was now making her way towards the stairs, but her phone began to ring. It was all too familiar, the same house, and now the same fucking phone call, it was just trauma city for Sidney. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed her phone and answered the call, she was no longer a scared teenager anymore, no matter how many flashbacks she was getting.

  "Hello, Sidney!" the killer spoke, but it was the same bullshit, playing a game or just staying on call until they decide to pop out and try to murder Sidney.

  "Hello there. Where'd you go?" Sidney asked as she walked up the stairs slowly, holding her phone with her shoulder so she can keep both hands on the gun.

 "This isn't Summer, I'm afraid it's the other one." 

  Sidney rolled her eyes, they always have to make finding them so difficult, just come out of whatever door you're hiding from, stop wasting everyone's god damn time.

  "There's two of you. Again. I've seen this movie before." Sidney retorted as she got to the other stairs, only for the killer to tell that she hasn't seen anything yet, and that they were simply just better.

  "You really need some better material," Sidney smiled as she put another bullet through the door near the other stairs.

  "I got you here, didn't I?" the voice asked, but this is their wake up call, Sidney returned last time, they're not that special.

 "you might actually be the  most derivative one of them all. I mean Jesus, the same house?" Sidney questioned as she shot another door, before turning around to the other door.

  "You forgot the first rule of surviving a Stab movie, never answer the..."

  "Okay, I'm bored." Sidney interrupted as she hung up the phone and shot straight at the door, there was a grunt.

  Sidney opened the door and found Esther sitting there behind a couple of boxes, she was afraid of dying.

  "Put your hands up! Show me your fucking hands!" Sidney shouted, Esther obeyed and put her hands up in the air to show Sidney she was innocent and had nothing in her hands. 

  "Why the fuck are you hiding in there?" Sidney asked as she held onto her gun tightly, however Esther was ready to answer the question.

  "Hiding from the god damn murderers, if you aren't aware of that!" Esther shouted right back, as her nerves were beginning to act up. 

  "I told you to fucking come out!" Sidney retorted, Esther shook her head as her eyes widened.

 "I'm not going to come out if you're shooting everything in god damn sight, Sidney!" Esther shrieked, but before Sidney could respond, the door opened from beside her and out came the other ghost face, or you say Summer.

  Esther hid behind the boxes, out of fear while Sidney and Summer battled it out before both falling from the railings. 




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