XII. The Originals

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  Chapter 12,
    The Originals

  Once the girls had gotten out of the private floor, they were automatically rushed to the emergency room, Mika needed to get her stitches fixed again, while Esther needed her arm wrapped with a little bit of stitches. The police and ambulances had surrounded the hospital, and Daphne watched as they rushed past her and sprinted to the private floor, ready to investigate what was going on. At first, Daphne had stood away from her sister so she could give Mika space away from her, but once she was done with her stitches, Daphne rushed to her side.

  "I am so sorry for ever leaving you alone, I should have stayed." Daphne apologized as she grabbed Mika's unharmed hand and took it into hers, she felt regret and guilt.

  Mika shook her head and kept eye contact with her sister, it was nobody's fault, the sink began to have too much water it would overflow. The body bag that was taken out of the hospital was Dewey's, and the two sisters knew it. Mikaela waited outside of the hospital, knowing that once Mika and Esther got discharged they would leave Woodsboro and go to Modesto, California. They needed a fresh start, and that was going to be the place to go.

 Gale was crushed, seeing as the love of her life was rolled out of the hospital in a body bag, he had survived many attacks but this one got the best of him. He couldn't have fought off the killer, and even if he did, who knows how long he would still have left before another fucker in a mask came for his life?The answer is, he wouldn't even have enough time to blink before he dies. This needed to end, and it needed to end right now.

 For the first time in a while, being alone bothered Gale, she didn't want to be alone at all, not if it meant she couldn't be alone with Dewey, if that makes any sense. The way they first looked at each other and she immediately fell for him, and how they were so compatible for one another but thought otherwise, they were the power couple. Daphne walked out of the room with Esther to go check on Gale when they noticed how she began to sprint over to the body bag. The two girls held her back as she sobbed harshly, not wanting to believe that her best friend was truly gone.

 The day was slowly bleeding into the night, this was a nightmare to live through, but the nightmare had only just started.

  Gale stood at the hospital, the next morning, waiting for Sidney to arrive, as she was affected by Dewey's death as well. Sidney had lost her best friend Tatum, who was also Dewey's younger sister, so losing Dewey meant she lost both of them officially. Daphne was the one who approached Gale though, looking at her with an expression of despair, as she knew she couldn't fathom the feeling of losing someone so close to her like Mika or Esther.

 "I'm sorry. I didn't know him that well, but... he helped me, and my sister." Daphne spoke as she avoided eye contact with the woman.

  "That's what he did. He helped people. I should've stopped him." Gale responded as she looked at her hands, more specifically staring at her ring. It was the engagement ring.

  "If you did, my sister would have been dead." Daphne muttered, the words left a bitter after taste in her mouth, knowing that now was not the time.

  Gale looked up at the young girl, ready to say something before getting interrupted by a nurse, telling Daphne that Mika was officially awake and that they were allowed to see her. Daphne wasn't sure if she should leave Gale, but the older woman nodded her head in reassurance. 

 "I came as soon as I heard. I am so sorry."  Sidney whispered as she rushed into the hospital, finding Gale sitting in the hospital chair looking deflated. Her voice didn't dare go higher, as it would break and crack at the seams.

   Gale didn't say anything but get up from her chair, she rushed over to Sidney and hugged her tightly as she began to sob. Once they pulled apart, Gale explained that Sidney shouldn't be here but neither should she. They made some small talk, and sat down on the chairs, to catch up on whatever they had missed. 

 Daphne walked to her sister's room and walked in, Mika was sat up. Daphne smiled at her sister and sat down on the edge of the hospital bed.

  "How are you feeling?" Daphne asked, as she put her hand on top of Mika's unharmed hand, this was all happening way too fast.

  "Every time I get attacked, they give me better painkillers. So there's that." Mika smiles, as she grabs onto her sister's hand as well. 

  The two sisters, stood talking, a little bit of crying here and there but they had each other to lean on now. There was no more being alone, or having to isolate yourself for your safety or the safety of others. Mikaela was somewhere in the hospital, possibly at the vending machines, gathering a lot of snacks so that the road trip wouldn't be so lame. The four girls would finally be able to live their lives in peace, without anything or anyone getting in their way.

 Finally they were discharged, Mikaela held onto Mika's crutches as Daphne rolled her sister's wheelchair with Esther walking behind her. Right as they were about to leave the hospital, Sidney got in front of them.

  "Daphne?" Sidney called out, causing Daphne to stop walking and stop moving her sister.

 "It's Daph." Daphne replied, hearing her full name out loud had always made her body cringe, she thought she sounded like a bimbo and people would despise her.


 "I know who you are." Daphne interrupted, not needing any moments of flashbacks, she just wanted to go home.

  Sidney sighed, she knew that this wasn't going to be easy whatsoever, the tension in the air was getting uncomfortable for Esther, Mika, and Mikaela, so they had decided to excuse themselves and go get the car. 

"Yeah. I am his daughter, I apologize if that's weird for you, honestly." Daphne mumbled, she had no emotion in her voice, making it sound as if she was being sarcastic or mean.

  Sidney shook her head, she wasn't uncomfortable meeting her ex boyfriend's daughter, she just wanted to warn the older girl that if she left then she would only bring the ghost face with her and cause chaos.

 "Look, I am really sorry for what had happened to Dewey, but I am going to take my sister away from all of this. She doesn't need this bullshit." Daphne retorted as she walked away from Sidney and leaves the hospital.  

 Gale and Sidney rush out from behind her, trying to convince the girl to stay and finish what was started but that wasn't going to happen. Sidney tried to even use her own personal experience but Daphne only brushed it off, as it was her experience and nothing like Daphne's.

  "What the fuck do you want from me lady?" Daphne asked as she stops walking and turns around to look at Sidney.

  "Hey! watch your tone new girl. You know how they always say it goes back to the original? Here's the original." Gale defended her best friend as she looked at Daphne.

  The two older women begin to explain that they need Daphne's help to put an end to all of this, and kill whoever is behind this, to which Daphne rejects the idea. She wasn't a murderer like her father, and she wasn't planning on becoming one anytime soon, but they kept trying to convince her. Sidney knew that this person needed to die, and that if they don't then it'll be hell for everyone. 

  Before the girls could say anything more to try to get Daphne on their side, Esther pulls up, and rolls her window down all happily, ready to leave this fucking town.

  "Alright, let's get the fuck out of Murdersville right now." Esther jokes as she watches her girlfriend open the passenger door and get inside without saying another word. 

 Yeah, they were the originals, but that doesn't mean that Daphne was going to play a part into this, she didn't want to.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄Where stories live. Discover now