VI. I Need You To Leave

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Chapter 6,
I Need You To Leave

 "I've got a body outside of a bar on Main, and then you get attacked here. You said the call came from Summer's number?" Sheriff Judy asked as Daphne sat there emotionless, trying to process everything that she just went through last night.

  "So? We know he called on my phone before, when he attacked Mika." Summer spoke, as she recalled the first time that her phone was used.

  Esther cleared her throat as she looked over at Summer, it was clear that she didn't like the teenage girl one bit. She was arrogant and annoying, Esther understood clearly on why Daphne couldn't be around her.

  "Or, and I'm only spit balling here, you're the killer." Esther accused as she looked at Summer, only for Summer to scoff and roll her eyes at her.

  "And where were you when this all happened?" Sheriff Judy asked, as she turned her focus from Summer and onto Esther.

  The answer to the question was going to be ridiculous and cause many suspicions about Esther, but she didn't do anything.

  "I was, watching Netflix." Esther responded, sounding a little ashamed but not too much, Summer however, looked at her and laughed.

  "Solid alibi bro." Summer retorted as she crossed her arms and shook her head.

  Mika was over the bickering already, she wanted her room to be quiet and peaceful again, not with a sheriff and three adults, which two out of the three are just blatantly accusing one another of being the masked murderer. 

  "Okay, then where were you?" Esther returned the question as she raised her eyebrows, staring the girl down.

  "I was questioning Summer and her friends down at the sheriff's station." Judy answered for the young girl.

 "Exactly, and I came as fast as I could once I heard what happened, but you know, the Netflix alibi is good too." Summer stated as she side eyed the girl.

  Judy told both of them to cut it out already, bickering was going to solve nothing and might even cause a headache, besides, they both had an alibi which checked out. 

 "You're going to put more cops on her room, right?" Daphne asked, referring to Mika, feeling worried for her safety.

  "Yes, and I can move you to a private floor. Deputy Vinson knows what he's doing, you'll be safe." Judy responded, as she looked at Mika, feeling bad for her as her sister seemed to only bring more trouble.

  Daphne however didn't accept this answer, she got frustrated because if she got attacked, that means Mika was going to be an easy access. They don't need another experienced cop who can be killed off easily, they need multiple cops.

  "So, like we've been so far?" Daphne asked rhetorically, as she looked the sheriff right in her eyes.

  Forcing a smile on her lips, Judy asked for Daphne to step outside of the room so they can have a private discussion. The girl sighed and got up from the chair, following the sheriff outside of the room. 

  "Nice to see you, Deputy Hicks. So many fun memories." Daphne smiled sarcastically, knowing that the two never got along to actually appreciate one another's existence. 

 "It's Sheriff Hicks, and I remember you too, along with all the trouble you used to cause your family, and myself." Judy recalled as her smile melted away pretty quickly.

  Daphne was holding back a lot of words along with an eye roll that was dying to come out, but she knew her attitude was not going help her or her case right now.

𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐈𝐒𝐆𝐔𝐈𝐒𝐄Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora